The path part of the URL.
Contains the list of cookies that are stored on the client.
Contains information about any uploaded file for a HTML _form request.
Contains the parsed parameters of a HTML POST form request.
The full URL that corresponds to this request.
Contains the parsed Json for a JSON request.
The IP address of the client in string form
Contains all _form fields supplied using the query string.
The relative path to the root folder.
The settings of the server serving this request.
Time when this request started processing.
Supplies the request body as a stream.
The IP address of the client
Information about the TLS certificate provided by the client.
A map of context items for the request.
Determines if the request should be logged to the access log file.
A map of general parameters for the request.
The password part of the URL, if present.
The _query string part of the URL.
The path part of the requested URI.
The current Session object.
Determines if the request was issued over an TLS encrypted channel.
The user name part of the URL, if present.
Represents a HTTP request as received by the server side.