import; template SizePol(T) if (__traits(allMembers, T) == TypeTuple!("x", "y")) { import std.conv; import std.array; static string toRepresentation(T value) @safe { return to!string(value.x) ~ "x" ~ to!string(value.y); } static T fromRepresentation(string value) { string[] fields = value.split('x'); alias fieldT = typeof(T.x); auto x = to!fieldT(fields[0]); auto y = to!fieldT(fields[1]); return T(x, y); } } static struct SizeI { int x; int y; } SizeI sizeI = SizeI(1,2); Json serializedI = serializeWithPolicy!(JsonSerializer, SizePol)(sizeI); assert(serializedI.get!string == "1x2"); static struct SizeF { float x; float y; } SizeF sizeF = SizeF(0.1f,0.2f); Json serializedF = serializeWithPolicy!(JsonSerializer, SizePol)(sizeF); assert(serializedF.get!string == "0.1x0.2");,,
Serializes a value with the given serializer, representing values according to Policy when possible.
The serializer must have a value result for the first form to work. Otherwise, use the range based form.