	Interface for the VibeDist load balancer

	Copyright: © 2012-2013 Sönke Ludwig
	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
	Authors: Sönke Ludwig, Jan Krüger
module vibe.http.dist;

import vibe.core.log;
import vibe.data.json;
import vibe.inet.url;
import vibe.http.client;
import vibe.http.server;

import std.conv;
import std.exception;
import std.process;

	Listens for HTTP connections on the specified load balancer using the given HTTP server settings.

	This function is usable as direct replacement of listenHTTP
HTTPListener listenHTTPDist(HTTPServerSettings settings, HTTPServerRequestDelegate handler, string balancer_address, ushort balancer_port = 11000)
@safe {
	Json regmsg = Json.emptyObject;
	regmsg["host_name"] = settings.hostName;
	regmsg["port"] = settings.port;
	regmsg["ssl_settings"] = "";
	regmsg["pid"] = thisProcessID;
	//regmsg.sslContext = settings.sslContext; // TODO: send key/cert contents

	HTTPServerSettings local_settings = settings.dup;
	local_settings.bindAddresses = [""];
	local_settings.port = 0;
	local_settings.disableDistHost = true;
	auto ret = listenHTTP(local_settings, handler);

	requestHTTP(URL("http://"~balancer_address~":"~to!string(balancer_port)~"/register"), (scope req){
			logInfo("Listening for VibeDist connections on port %d", req.localAddress.port);
			regmsg["local_address"] = "";
			regmsg["local_port"] = req.localAddress.port;
			req.method = HTTPMethod.POST;
		}, (scope res){
			enforce(res.statusCode == HTTPStatus.ok, "Failed to register with load balancer.");

	return ret;