/** Interface for the VibeDist load balancer Copyright: © 2012-2013 Sönke Ludwig License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file. Authors: Sönke Ludwig, Jan Krüger */ module vibe.http.dist; import vibe.core.log; import vibe.data.json; import vibe.inet.url; import vibe.http.client; import vibe.http.server; import std.conv; import std.exception; import std.process; /** Listens for HTTP connections on the specified load balancer using the given HTTP server settings. This function is usable as direct replacement of listenHTTP */ HTTPListener listenHTTPDist(HTTPServerSettings settings, HTTPServerRequestDelegate handler, string balancer_address, ushort balancer_port = 11000) @safe { Json regmsg = Json.emptyObject; regmsg["host_name"] = settings.hostName; regmsg["port"] = settings.port; regmsg["ssl_settings"] = ""; regmsg["pid"] = thisProcessID; //regmsg.sslContext = settings.sslContext; // TODO: send key/cert contents HTTPServerSettings local_settings = settings.dup; local_settings.bindAddresses = [""]; local_settings.port = 0; local_settings.disableDistHost = true; auto ret = listenHTTP(local_settings, handler); requestHTTP(URL("http://"~balancer_address~":"~to!string(balancer_port)~"/register"), (scope req){ logInfo("Listening for VibeDist connections on port %d", req.localAddress.port); regmsg["local_address"] = ""; regmsg["local_port"] = req.localAddress.port; req.method = HTTPMethod.POST; req.writeJsonBody(regmsg); }, (scope res){ enforce(res.statusCode == HTTPStatus.ok, "Failed to register with load balancer."); }); return ret; }