1 /**
2 	TLS stream implementation
4 	TLSStream can be used to implement TLS communication on top of a TCP connection. The
5 	TLSContextKind of an TLSStream determines if the TLS tunnel is established actively (client) or
6 	passively (server).
8 	Copyright: © 2012-2014 Sönke Ludwig
9 	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
10 	Authors: Sönke Ludwig
11 */
12 module vibe.stream.tls;
14 import vibe.core.log;
15 import vibe.core.net;
16 import vibe.core.path : NativePath;
17 import vibe.core.stream;
18 import vibe.core.sync;
20 import vibe.utils.dictionarylist;
21 import vibe.internal.interfaceproxy;
23 import std.algorithm;
24 import std.array;
25 import std.conv;
26 import std.exception;
27 import std.string;
29 import core.stdc.string : strlen;
30 import core.sync.mutex;
31 import core.thread;
33 version (VibeNoSSL) {}
34 else version(Have_openssl) version = OpenSSL;
35 else version(Have_botan) version = Botan;
38 /// A simple TLS client
39 unittest {
40 	import vibe.core.net;
41 	import vibe.stream.tls;
43 	void sendTLSMessage()
44 	{
45 		auto conn = connectTCP("", 1234);
46 		auto sslctx = createTLSContext(TLSContextKind.client);
47 		auto stream = createTLSStream(conn, sslctx);
48 		stream.write("Hello, World!");
49 		stream.finalize();
50 		conn.close();
51 	}
52 }
54 /// Corresponding server
55 unittest {
56 	import vibe.core.log;
57 	import vibe.core.net;
58 	import vibe.stream.operations;
59 	import vibe.stream.tls;
61 	void listenForTLS()
62 	{
63 		auto sslctx = createTLSContext(TLSContextKind.server);
64 		sslctx.useCertificateChainFile("server.crt");
65 		sslctx.usePrivateKeyFile("server.key");
66 		listenTCP(1234, delegate void(TCPConnection conn) nothrow {
67 			try {
68 				auto stream = createTLSStream(conn, sslctx);
69 				logInfo("Got message: %s", stream.readAllUTF8());
70 				stream.finalize();
71 			} catch (Exception e) {
72 				logInfo("Failed to receive encrypted message");
73 			}
74 		});
75 	}
76 }
79 /**************************************************************************************************/
80 /* Public functions                                                                               */
81 /**************************************************************************************************/
82 @safe:
84 /** Creates a new context of the given kind.
86 	Params:
87 		kind = Specifies if the context is going to be used on the client
88 			or on the server end of the TLS tunnel
89 		ver = The TLS protocol used for negotiating the tunnel
90 */
91 TLSContext createTLSContext(TLSContextKind kind, TLSVersion ver = TLSVersion.any)
92 @trusted {
93 	version (OpenSSL) {
94 		static TLSContext createOpenSSLContext(TLSContextKind kind, TLSVersion ver) @safe {
95 			import vibe.stream.openssl;
96 			return new OpenSSLContext(kind, ver);
97 		}
98 		if (!gs_sslContextFactory)
99 			setTLSContextFactory(&createOpenSSLContext);
100 	} else version(Botan) {
101 		static TLSContext createBotanContext(TLSContextKind kind, TLSVersion ver) @safe {
102 			import vibe.stream.botan;
103 			return new BotanTLSContext(kind);
104 		}
105 		if (!gs_sslContextFactory)
106 			setTLSContextFactory(&createBotanContext);
107 	}
108 	assert(gs_sslContextFactory !is null, "No TLS context factory registered. Compile in botan or openssl dependencies, or call setTLSContextFactory first.");
109 	return gs_sslContextFactory(kind, ver);
110 }
112 /** Constructs a new TLS tunnel and infers the stream state from the TLSContextKind.
114 	Depending on the TLSContextKind of ctx, the tunnel will try to establish an TLS
115 	tunnel by either passively accepting or by actively connecting.
117 	Params:
118 		underlying = The base stream which is used for the TLS tunnel
119 		ctx = TLS context used for initiating the tunnel
120 		peer_name = DNS name of the remote peer, used for certificate validation
121 		peer_address = IP address of the remote peer, used for certificate validation
122 */
123 TLSStream createTLSStream(Stream)(Stream underlying, TLSContext ctx, string peer_name = null, NetworkAddress peer_address = NetworkAddress.init)
124 	if (isStream!Stream)
125 {
126 	auto stream_state = ctx.kind == TLSContextKind.client ? TLSStreamState.connecting : TLSStreamState.accepting;
127 	return createTLSStream(underlying, ctx, stream_state, peer_name, peer_address);
128 }
130 /** Constructs a new TLS tunnel, allowing to override the stream state.
132 	This constructor allows to specify a custom tunnel state, which can
133 	be useful when a tunnel has already been established by other means.
135 	Params:
136 		underlying = The base stream which is used for the TLS tunnel
137 		ctx = TLS context used for initiating the tunnel
138 		state = The manually specified tunnel state
139 		peer_name = DNS name of the remote peer, used for certificate validation
140 		peer_address = IP address of the remote peer, used for certificate validation
141 */
142 TLSStream createTLSStream(Stream)(Stream underlying, TLSContext ctx, TLSStreamState state, string peer_name = null, NetworkAddress peer_address = NetworkAddress.init)
143 	if (isStream!Stream)
144 {
145 	return ctx.createStream(interfaceProxy!(.Stream)(underlying), state, peer_name, peer_address);
146 }
148 /**
149 	Constructs a new TLS stream using manual memory allocator.
150 */
151 auto createTLSStreamFL(Stream)(Stream underlying, TLSContext ctx, TLSStreamState state, string peer_name = null, NetworkAddress peer_address = NetworkAddress.init)
152 	if (isStream!Stream)
153 {
154 	// This function has an auto return type to avoid the import of the TLS
155 	// implementation headers.  When client code uses this function the compiler
156 	// will have to semantically analyse it and subsequently will import the TLS
157 	// implementation headers.
158 	version (OpenSSL) {
159 		import vibe.internal.freelistref;
160 		import vibe.stream.openssl;
161 		static assert(AllocSize!TLSStream > 0);
162 		return FreeListRef!OpenSSLStream(interfaceProxy!(.Stream)(underlying), cast(OpenSSLContext)ctx,
163 										 state, peer_name, peer_address);
164 	} else version (Botan) {
165 		import vibe.internal.freelistref;
166 		import vibe.stream.botan;
167 		return FreeListRef!BotanTLSStream(interfaceProxy!(.Stream)(underlying), cast(BotanTLSContext) ctx, state, peer_name, peer_address);
168 	} else assert(false, "No TLS support compiled in (VibeNoTLS)");
169 }
171 void setTLSContextFactory(TLSContext function(TLSContextKind, TLSVersion) @safe factory)
172 {
173 	() @trusted { gs_sslContextFactory = factory; } ();
174 }
177 /**************************************************************************************************/
178 /* Public types                                                                                   */
179 /**************************************************************************************************/
181 /**
182 	Creates an TLS tunnel within an existing stream.
184 	Note: Be sure to call finalize before finalizing/closing the outer stream so that the TLS
185 		tunnel is properly closed first.
186 */
187 interface TLSStream : Stream {
188 	@safe:
190 	@property TLSCertificateInformation peerCertificate();
192 	//-/ The host name reported through SNI
193 	//@property string hostName() const;
195 	/** The ALPN that has been negotiated for this connection.
197 		See_also: $(WEB https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application-Layer_Protocol_Negotiation)
198 	*/
199 	@property string alpn() const;
200 }
202 enum TLSStreamState {
203 	connecting,
204 	accepting,
205 	connected
206 }
209 /**
210 	Encapsulates the configuration for an TLS tunnel.
212 	Note that when creating an TLSContext with TLSContextKind.client, the
213 	peerValidationMode will be set to TLSPeerValidationMode.trustedCert,
214 	but no trusted certificate authorities are added by default. Use
215 	useTrustedCertificateFile to add those.
216 */
217 interface TLSContext {
218 	@safe:
220 	/// The kind of TLS context (client/server)
221 	@property TLSContextKind kind() const;
223 	/** Specifies the validation level of remote peers.
225 		The default mode for TLSContextKind.client is
226 		TLSPeerValidationMode.trustedCert and the default for
227 		TLSContextKind.server is TLSPeerValidationMode.none.
228 	*/
229 	@property void peerValidationMode(TLSPeerValidationMode mode);
230 	/// ditto
231 	@property TLSPeerValidationMode peerValidationMode() const;
233 	/** The maximum length of an accepted certificate chain.
235 		Any certificate chain longer than this will result in the TLS
236 		negitiation failing.
238 		The default value is 9.
239 	*/
240 	@property void maxCertChainLength(int val);
241 	/// ditto
242 	@property int maxCertChainLength() const;
244 	/** An optional user callback for peer validation.
246 		This callback will be called for each peer and each certificate of
247 		its certificate chain to allow overriding the validation decision
248 		based on the selected peerValidationMode (e.g. to allow invalid
249 		certificates or to reject valid ones). This is mainly useful for
250 		presenting the user with a dialog in case of untrusted or mismatching
251 		certificates.
252 	*/
253 	@property void peerValidationCallback(TLSPeerValidationCallback callback);
254 	/// ditto
255 	@property inout(TLSPeerValidationCallback) peerValidationCallback() inout;
257 	/** The callback used to associcate host names with TLS certificates/contexts.
259 		This property is only used for kind $(D TLSContextKind.serverSNI).
260 	*/
261 	@property void sniCallback(TLSServerNameCallback callback);
262 	/// ditto
263 	@property inout(TLSServerNameCallback) sniCallback() inout;
265 	/// Callback function invoked to choose alpn (client side)
266 	@property void alpnCallback(TLSALPNCallback alpn_chooser);
267 	/// ditto
268 	@property TLSALPNCallback alpnCallback() const;
270 	/// Setter method invoked to offer ALPN (server side)
271 	void setClientALPN(string[] alpn);
273 	/** Creates a new stream associated to this context.
274 	*/
275 	TLSStream createStream(InterfaceProxy!Stream underlying, TLSStreamState state, string peer_name = null, NetworkAddress peer_address = NetworkAddress.init);
277 	/** Set the list of cipher specifications to use for TLS tunnels.
279 		The list must be a colon separated list of cipher
280 		specifications as accepted by OpenSSL. Calling this function
281 		without argument will restore the default.
283 		See_also: $(LINK https://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/ciphers.html#CIPHER_LIST_FORMAT)
284 	*/
285 	void setCipherList(string list = null);
287 	/** Set params to use for DH cipher.
288 	 *
289 	 * By default the 2048-bit prime from RFC 3526 is used.
290 	 *
291 	 * Params:
292 	 * pem_file = Path to a PEM file containing the DH parameters. Calling
293 	 *    this function without argument will restore the default.
294 	 */
295 	void setDHParams(string pem_file=null);
297 	/** Set the elliptic curve to use for ECDH cipher.
298 	 *
299 	 * By default a curve is either chosen automatically or  prime256v1 is used.
300 	 *
301 	 * Params:
302 	 * curve = The short name of the elliptic curve to use. Calling this
303 	 *    function without argument will restore the default.
304 	 *
305 	 */
306 	void setECDHCurve(string curve=null);
308 	/// Sets a certificate file to use for authenticating to the remote peer
309 	void useCertificateChainFile(string path);
310 	/// ditto
311 	final void useCertificateChainFile(NativePath path) { useCertificateChainFile(path.toString()); }
313 	/// Sets the private key to use for authenticating to the remote peer based
314 	/// on the configured certificate chain file.
315 	void usePrivateKeyFile(string path);
316 	/// ditto
317 	final void usePrivateKeyFile(NativePath path) { usePrivateKeyFile(path.toString()); }
319 	/** Sets the list of trusted certificates for verifying peer certificates.
321 		If this is a server context, this also entails that the given
322 		certificates are advertised to connecting clients during handshake.
324 		On Linux, the system's root certificate authority list is usually
325 		found at "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt",
326 		"/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt", or "/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem".
327 	*/
328 	void useTrustedCertificateFile(string path);
329 }
331 enum TLSContextKind {
332 	client,     /// Client context (active connector)
333 	server,     /// Server context (passive connector)
334 	serverSNI,  /// Server context with multiple certificate support (SNI)
335 }
337 enum TLSVersion {
338 	any, /// Accept SSLv3 or TLSv1.0 and greater
339 	ssl3, /// Accept only SSLv3
340 	tls1, /// Accept only TLSv1.0
341 	tls1_1, /// Accept only TLSv1.1
342 	tls1_2, /// Accept only TLSv1.2
343 	dtls1, /// Use DTLSv1.0
345 	ssl23 = any /// Deprecated compatibility alias
346 }
349 /** Specifies how rigorously TLS peer certificates are validated.
351 	The individual options can be combined using a bitwise "or". Usually it is
352 	recommended to use $(D trustedCert) for full validation.
353 */
354 enum TLSPeerValidationMode {
355 	/** Accept any peer regardless if and which certificate is presented.
357 		This mode is generally discouraged and should only be used with
358 		a custom validation callback set to do the verification.
359 	*/
360 	none = 0,
362 	/** Require the peer to always present a certificate.
364 		Note that this option alone does not verify the certificate at all. It
365 		can be used together with the "check" options, or by using a custom
366 		validation callback to actually validate certificates.
367 	*/
368 	requireCert = 1<<0,
370 	/** Check the certificate for basic validity.
372 		This verifies the validity of the certificate chain and some other
373 		general properties, such as expiration time. It doesn't verify
374 		either the peer name or the trust state of the certificate.
375 	*/
376 	checkCert = 1<<1,
378 	/** Validate the actual peer name/address against the certificate.
380 		Compares the name/address of the connected peer, as passed to
381 		$(D createTLSStream) to the list of patterns present in the
382 		certificate, if any. If no match is found, the connection is
383 		rejected.
384 	*/
385 	checkPeer = 1<<2,
387 	/** Requires that the certificate or any parent certificate is trusted.
389 		Searches list of trusted certificates for a match of the certificate
390 		chain. If no match is found, the connection is rejected.
392 		See_also: $(D useTrustedCertificateFile)
393 	*/
394 	checkTrust = 1<<3,
396 	/** Require a valid certificate matching the peer name.
398 		In this mode, the certificate is validated for general consistency and
399 		possible expiration, and the peer name is checked to see if the
400 		certificate actually applies.
402 		However, the certificate chain is not matched against the system's
403 		pool of trusted certificate authorities, so a custom validation
404 		callback is still needed to get a secure validation process.
406 		This option is a combination $(D requireCert), $(D checkCert) and
407 		$(D checkPeer).
408 	*/
409 	validCert = requireCert | checkCert | checkPeer,
411 	/** Require a valid and trusted certificate (strongly recommended).
413 		Checks the certificate and peer name for validity and requires that
414 		the certificate chain originates from a trusted CA (based on the
415 		registered pool of certificate authorities).
417 		This option is a combination $(D validCert) and $(D checkTrust).
419 		See_also: $(D useTrustedCertificateFile)
420 	*/
421 	trustedCert = validCert | checkTrust,
422 }
424 /** Certificate information  */
425 struct TLSCertificateInformation {
427 	/** Information about the certificate's subject name.
429 		Maps fields to their values. For example, typical fields on a
430 		certificate will be 'commonName', 'countryName', 'emailAddress', etc.
431 	*/
432 	DictionaryList!(string, false, 8) subjectName;
434 	/** Vendor specific representation of the peer certificate.
436 		This field is only set if the functionality is supported and if the
437 		peer certificate is a X509 certificate.
439 		For the OpenSSL driver, this will point to an `X509` struct. Note
440 		that the life time of the object is limited to the life time of the
441 		TLS stream.
442 	*/
443 	void* _x509;
444 }
446 struct TLSPeerValidationData {
447 	char[] certName;
448 	string errorString;
449 	// certificate chain
450 	// public key
451 	// public key fingerprint
452 }
454 alias TLSPeerValidationCallback = bool delegate(scope TLSPeerValidationData data);
456 alias TLSServerNameCallback = TLSContext delegate(string hostname);
457 alias TLSALPNCallback = string delegate(string[] alpn_choices);
459 private {
460 	__gshared TLSContext function(TLSContextKind, TLSVersion) gs_sslContextFactory;
461 }