1 /** Automatic high-level RESTful client/server interface generation facilities.
3 	This modules aims to provide a typesafe way to deal with RESTful APIs. D's
4 	`interface`s are used to define the behavior of the API, so that they can
5 	be used transparently within the application. This module assumes that
6 	HTTP is used as the underlying transport for the REST API.
8 	While convenient means are provided for generating both, the server and the
9 	client side, of the API from a single interface definition, it is also
10 	possible to use as a pure client side implementation to target existing
11 	web APIs.
13 	The following paragraphs will explain in detail how the interface definition
14 	is mapped to the RESTful API, without going into specifics about the client
15 	or server side. Take a look at `registerRestInterface` and
16 	`RestInterfaceClient` for more information in those areas.
18 	These are the main adantages of using this module to define RESTful APIs
19 	over defining them manually by registering request handlers in a
20 	`URLRouter`:
22 	$(UL
23 		$(LI Automatic client generation: once the interface is defined, it can
24 			be used both by the client side and the server side, which means
25 			that there is no way to have a protocol mismatch between the two.)
26 		$(LI Automatic route generation for the server: one job of the REST
27 			module is to generate the HTTP routes/endpoints for the API.)
28 		$(LI Automatic serialization/deserialization: Instead of doing manual
29 	  		serialization and deserialization, just normal statically typed
30 	  		member functions are defined and the code generator takes care of
31 	  		converting to/from wire format. Custom serialization can be achieved
32 	  		by defining `JSON` or `string` parameters/return values together
33 	  		with the appropriate `@bodyParam` annotations.)
34 		$(LI Higher level representation integrated into D: Some concepts of the
35 	  		interfaces, such as optional parameters or `in`/`out`/`ref`
36 	  		parameters, as well as `Nullable!T`, are translated naturally to the
37 	  		RESTful protocol.)
38 	)
40 	The most basic interface that can be defined is as follows:
41 	----
42 	@path("/api/")
43 	interface APIRoot {
44 	    string get();
45 	}
46 	----
48 	This defines an API that has a single endpoint, 'GET /api/'. So if the
49 	server is found at http://api.example.com, performing a GET request to
50 	$(CODE http://api.example.com/api/) will call the `get()` method and send
51 	its return value verbatim as the response body.
53 	Endpoint_generation:
54 		An endpoint is a combination of an HTTP method and a local URI. For each
55 		public method of the interface, one endpoint is registered in the
56 		`URLRouter`.
58 		By default, the method and URI parts will be inferred from the method
59 		name by looking for a known prefix. For example, a method called
60 		`getFoo` will automatically be mapped to a 'GET /foo' request. The
61 		recognized prefixes are as follows:
63 		$(TABLE
64 			$(TR $(TH Prefix) $(TH HTTP verb))
65 			$(TR $(TD get)	  $(TD GET))
66 			$(TR $(TD query)  $(TD GET))
67 			$(TR $(TD set)    $(TD PUT))
68 			$(TR $(TD put)    $(TD PUT))
69 			$(TR $(TD update) $(TD PATCH))
70 			$(TR $(TD patch)  $(TD PATCH))
71 			$(TR $(TD add)    $(TD POST))
72 			$(TR $(TD create) $(TD POST))
73 			$(TR $(TD post)   $(TD POST))
74 		)
76 		Member functions that have no valid prefix default to 'POST'. Note that
77 		any of the methods defined in `vibe.http.common.HTTPMethod` are
78 		supported through manual endpoint specifications, as described in the
79 		next section.
81 		After determining the HTTP method, the rest of the method's name is
82 		then treated as the local URI of the endpoint. It is expected to be in
83 		standard D camel case style and will be transformed into the style that
84 		is specified in the call to `registerRestInterface`, which defaults to
85 		`MethodStyle.lowerUnderscored`.
87 	Manual_endpoint_specification:
88 		Endpoints can be controlled manually through the use of `@path` and
89 		`@method` annotations:
91 		----
92 		@path("/api/")
93 		interface APIRoot {
94 		    // Here we use a POST method
95 		    @method(HTTPMethod.POST)
96 			// Our method will located at '/api/foo'
97 			@path("/foo")
98 			void doSomething();
99 		}
100 		----
102 		Manual path annotations also allows defining custom path placeholders
103 		that will be mapped to function parameters. Placeholders are path
104 		segments that start with a colon:
106 		----
107 		@path("/users/")
108 		interface UsersAPI {
109 		    @path(":name")
110 		    Json getUserByName(string _name);
111 		}
112 		----
114 		This will cause a request "GET /users/peter" to be mapped to the
115 		`getUserByName` method, with the `_name` parameter receiving the string
116 		"peter". Note that the matching parameter must have an underscore
117 		prefixed so that it can be distinguished from normal form/query
118 		parameters.
120 		It is possible to partially rely on the default behavior and to only
121 		customize either the method or the path of the endpoint:
123 		----
124 		@method(HTTPMethod.POST)
125 		void getFoo();
126 		----
128 		In the above case, as 'POST' is set explicitly, the route would be
129 		'POST /foo'. On the other hand, if the declaration had been:
131 		----
132 		@path("/bar")
133 		void getFoo();
134 		----
136 		The route generated would be 'GET /bar'.
138 	Properties:
139 		`@property` functions have a special mapping: property getters (no
140 		parameters and a non-void return value) are mapped as GET functions,
141 		and property setters (a single parameter) are mapped as PUT. No prefix
142 		recognition or trimming will be done for properties.
144 	Method_style:
145 		Method names will be translated to the given 'MethodStyle'. The default
146 		style is `MethodStyle.lowerUnderscored`, so that a function named
147 		`getFooBar` will match the route 'GET /foo_bar'. See
148 		`vibe.web.common.MethodStyle` for more information about the available
149 		styles.
151 	Serialization:
152 		By default the return values of the interface methods are serialized
153 		as a JSON text and sent back to the REST client. To override this, you
154 		can use the @resultSerializer attribute
156 		---
157 		struct TestStruct {int i;}
159 		interface IService {
160 		@safe:
161 			@resultSerializer!(
162 				// output_stream implements OutputRange
163 				function (output_stream, test_struct) {
164 					output_stream ~= serializeToJsonString(test_struct);
165 				},
166 				// input_stream implements InputStream
167 				function (input_stream) {
168 					return deserializeJson!TestStruct(input_stream.readAllUTF8());
169 				},
170 				"application/json")()
171 			@resultSerializer!(
172 				// output_stream implements OutputRange
173 				function (output_stream, test_struct) {
174 					output_stream ~= test_struct.i.to!string();
175 				},
176 				// input_stream implements InputStream
177 				function (input_stream) {
178 					TestStruct test_struct;
179 					test_struct.i = input_stream.readAllUTF8().to!int();
180 					return test_struct;
181 				},
182 				"plain/text")()
183 			TestStruct getTest();
184 		}
186 		class Service : IService {
187 		@safe:
188 			TestStruct getTest() {
189 				TestStruct test_struct = {42};
190 				return test_struct;
191 			}
192 		}
193 		---
195 	Serialization_policies:
196 		You can customize the serialization of any type used by an interface
197 		by using serialization policies. The following example is using
198 		the `Base64ArrayPolicy`, which means if `X` contains any ubyte arrays,
199 		they will be serialized to their base64 encoding instead of
200 		their normal string representation (e.g. `"[1, 2, 255]"`).
202 		---
203 		@serializationPolicy!(Base64ArrayPolicy)
204 		interface ITestBase64
205 		{
206 			@safe X getTest();
207 		}
208 		---
210 	Parameters:
211 		Function parameters may be populated from the route, query string,
212 		request body, or headers. They may optionally affect the route URL itself.
214 		By default, parameters are passed differently depending on the type of
215 		request (i.e., HTTP method). For GET and PUT, parameters are passed
216 		via the query string (`<route>?paramA=valueA[?paramB=...]`),
217 		while for POST and PATCH, they are passed via the request body
218 		as a JSON object.
220 		The default behavior can be overridden using one of the following
221 		annotations, put as UDA on the relevant parameter:
223 		$(UL
224 			$(LI `@viaHeader("field")`: Will	source the parameter on which it is
225 				applied from the request headers named "field". If the parameter
226 				is `ref`, it will also be set as a response header. Parameters
227 				declared as `out` will $(I only) be set as a response header.)
228 			$(LI `@viaQuery("field")`: Will source the parameter on which it is
229 				applied from a field named "field" of the query string.)
230 			$(LI `@viaBody("field")`: Will source the parameter on which it is
231 				applied from a field named "field" of the request body
232 				in JSON format, or, if no field is passed, will represent the
233 				whole body. Note that in the later case, there can be no other
234 				`viaBody` parameters.)
235 		)
237 		----
238 		@path("/api/")
239 		interface APIRoot {
240 			// GET /api/header with 'Authorization' set
241 			string getHeader(@viaHeader("Authorization") string param);
243 			// GET /api/foo?param=...
244 			string getFoo(@viaQuery("param") int param);
246 			// GET /api/body with body set to { "myFoo": {...} }
247 			string getBody(@viaBody("parameter") FooType myFoo);
249 			// GET /api/full_body with body set to {...}
250 			string getFullBody(@viaBody() FooType myFoo);
251 		}
252 		----
254 		Further, how function parameters are named may affect the route:
256 		$(UL
257 			$(LI $(P Parameters with leading underscores (e.g. `_slug`) are also
258 				interpreted as a route component, but only in the presence of
259 				a `@path` UDA annotation. See Manual endpoint specification above.))
260 			$(LI $(P Other function parameters do not affect or come from the path
261 				 portion of the URL, and are are passed according to the default
262 				 rules above: query string for GET and PUT; request body JSON
263 				 for POST and PATCH.))
264 			$(LI $(P $(B Deprecated:) If the first parameter is named `id`, this is
265 				interpreted as a leading route component. For example,
266 				`getName(int id)` becomes `/:id/name`.)
267 				$(P Note that this style of parameter-based URL routing is
268 				different than in many other web frameworks, where instead
269 				this example would be routed as `/name/:id`.)
270 				$(P See `Collection` for the preferred way to represent object
271 				collections in REST interfaces))
272 		)
275 	Default_values:
276 		Parameters with default values behave as optional parameters. If one is
277 		set in the interface declaration of a method, the client can omit a
278 		value for the corresponding field in the request and the default value
279 		is used instead.
281 		Note that if default parameters are not evaluable by CTFE, compilation
282 		may fail due to DMD bug #14369 (Vibe.d tracking issue: #1043).
284 	Aggregates:
285 		When passing aggregates as parameters, those are serialized differently
286 		depending on the way they are passed, which may be especially important
287 		when interfacing with an existing RESTful API:
289 		$(UL
290 			$(LI If the parameter is passed via the headers or the query, either
291 				implicitly or explicitly, the aggregate is serialized to JSON.
292 				If the JSON representation is a single string, the string value
293 				will be used verbatim. Otherwise the JSON representation will be
294 				used)
295 			$(LI If the parameter is passed via the body, the datastructure is
296 				serialized to JSON and set as a field of the main JSON object
297 				that is expected in the request body. Its field name equals the
298 				parameter name, unless an explicit `@bodyParam` annotation is
299 				used.)
300 		)
302 	See_Also:
303 		To see how to implement the server side in detail, jump to
304 		`registerRestInterface`.
306 		To see how to implement the client side in detail, jump to
307 		the `RestInterfaceClient` documentation.
309 	Copyright: © 2012-2018 Sönke Ludwig
310 	License: Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.
311 	Authors: Sönke Ludwig, Михаил Страшун, Mathias 'Geod24' Lang
312 */
313 module vibe.web.rest;
315 public import vibe.web.common;
317 import vibe.core.log;
318 import vibe.core.stream : InputStream, isInputStream, pipe;
319 import vibe.http.router : URLRouter;
320 import vibe.http.client : HTTPClientRequest, HTTPClientResponse, HTTPClientSettings;
321 import vibe.http.common : HTTPMethod, HTTPStatusException;
322 import vibe.http.server : HTTPServerRequestDelegate, HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse;
323 import vibe.http.status : HTTPStatus, isSuccessCode;
324 import vibe.internal.meta.uda;
325 import vibe.internal.meta.funcattr;
326 import vibe.inet.url;
327 import vibe.inet.message : InetHeaderMap;
328 import vibe.web.internal.rest.common : RestInterface, Route, SubInterfaceType;
329 import vibe.web.auth : AuthInfo, handleAuthentication, handleAuthorization, isAuthenticated;
331 import std.algorithm : count, startsWith, endsWith, sort, splitter;
332 import std.array : appender, split;
333 import std.meta : AliasSeq;
334 import std.range : isOutputRange;
335 import std.string : strip, indexOf, toLower;
336 import std.typecons : No, Nullable, Yes;
337 import std.typetuple : anySatisfy, Filter;
338 import std.traits;
340 /** Registers a server matching a certain REST interface.
342 	Servers are implementation of the D interface that defines the RESTful API.
343 	The methods of this class are invoked by the code that is generated for
344 	each endpoint of the API, with parameters and return values being translated
345 	according to the rules documented in the `vibe.web.rest` module
346 	documentation.
348 	A basic 'hello world' API can be defined as follows:
349 	----
350 	@path("/api/")
351 	interface APIRoot {
352 	    string get();
353 	}
355 	class API : APIRoot {
356 	    override string get() { return "Hello, World"; }
357 	}
359 	void main()
360 	{
361 	    // -- Where the magic happens --
362 	    router.registerRestInterface(new API());
363 	    // GET and 'Hello, World' will be replied
364 	    listenHTTP("", router);
366 	    runApplication();
367 	}
368 	----
370 	As can be seen here, the RESTful logic can be written inside the class
371 	without any concern for the actual HTTP representation.
373 	Return_value:
374 		By default, all methods that return a value send a 200 (OK) status code,
375 		or 204 if no value is being returned for the body.
377 	Non-success:
378 		In the cases where an error code should be signaled to the user, a
379 		`HTTPStatusException` can be thrown from within the method. It will be
380 		turned into a JSON object that has a `statusMessage` field with the
381 		exception message. In case of other exception types being thrown, the
382 		status code will be set to 500 (internal server error), the
383 		`statusMessage` field will again contain the exception's message, and,
384 		in debug mode, an additional `statusDebugMessage` field will be set to
385 		the complete string representation of the exception
386 		(`Exception.toString`), which usually contains a stack trace useful for
387 		debugging.
389 	Returning_data:
390 		To return data, it is possible to either use the return value, which
391 		will be sent as the response body, or individual `ref`/`out` parameters
392 		can be used. The way they are represented in the response can be
393 		customized by adding `@viaBody`/`@viaHeader` annotations on the
394 		parameter declaration of the method within the interface.
396 		In case of errors, any `@viaHeader` parameters are guaranteed to
397 		be set in the response, so that applications such as HTTP basic
398 		authentication can be implemented.
400 	Template_Params:
401 	    TImpl = Either an interface type, or a class that derives from an
402 			      interface. If the class derives from multiple interfaces,
403 	            the first one will be assumed to be the API description
404 	            and a warning will be issued.
406 	Params:
407 	    router   = The HTTP router on which the interface will be registered
408 	    instance = Server instance to use
409 	    settings = Additional settings, such as the `MethodStyle` or the prefix
411 	See_Also:
412 		`RestInterfaceClient` class for an automated way to generate the
413 		matching client-side implementation.
414 */
415 URLRouter registerRestInterface(TImpl)(URLRouter router, TImpl instance, RestInterfaceSettings settings = null)
416 {
417 	import std.algorithm : filter, map, all;
418 	import std.array : array;
419 	import std.range : front;
420 	import vibe.web.internal.rest.common : ParameterKind;
422 	auto intf = RestInterface!TImpl(settings, false);
424 	foreach (i, ovrld; intf.SubInterfaceFunctions) {
425 		enum fname = __traits(identifier, intf.SubInterfaceFunctions[i]);
426 		alias R = ReturnType!ovrld;
428 		static if (isInstanceOf!(Collection, R)) {
429 			typeof(__traits(getMember, instance, fname)(R.ParentIDs.init)) ret;
430 			try ret = __traits(getMember, instance, fname)(R.ParentIDs.init);
431 			catch (Exception e) {
432 				logDiagnostic("Collection interface accessor %s.%s has thrown, skipping route registration: %s", TImpl.stringof, fname, e.msg);
433 				continue;
434 			}
435 			router.registerRestInterface!(R.Interface)(ret.m_interface, intf.subInterfaces[i].settings);
436 		} else {
437 			typeof(__traits(getMember, instance, fname)()) ret;
438 			try ret = __traits(getMember, instance, fname)();
439 			catch (Exception e) {
440 				logDiagnostic("Interface accessor %s.%s has thrown, skipping route registration: %s", TImpl.stringof, fname, e.msg);
441 				continue;
442 			}
443 			router.registerRestInterface!R(ret, intf.subInterfaces[i].settings);
444 		}
445 	}
448 	foreach (i, func; intf.RouteFunctions) {
449 		auto route = intf.routes[i];
451 		// normal handler
452 		auto handler = jsonMethodHandler!(func, i)(instance, intf);
454 		auto diagparams = route.parameters.filter!(p => p.kind != ParameterKind.internal).map!(p => p.fieldName).array;
455 		logDiagnostic("REST route: %s %s %s", route.method, route.fullPattern, diagparams);
456 		router.match(route.method, route.fullPattern, handler);
457 	}
459 	// here we filter our already existing OPTIONS routes, so we don't overwrite whenever the user explicitly made his own OPTIONS route
460 	auto routesGroupedByPattern = intf.getRoutesGroupedByPattern.filter!(rs => rs.all!(r => r.method != HTTPMethod.OPTIONS));
462 	foreach(routes; routesGroupedByPattern){
463 		auto route = routes.front;
464 		auto handler = optionsMethodHandler(routes, settings);
466 		auto diagparams = route.parameters.filter!(p => p.kind != ParameterKind.internal).map!(p => p.fieldName).array;
467 		logDiagnostic("REST route: %s %s %s", HTTPMethod.OPTIONS, route.fullPattern, diagparams);
468 		router.match(HTTPMethod.OPTIONS, route.fullPattern, handler);
469 	}
470 	return router;
471 }
473 /// ditto
474 URLRouter registerRestInterface(TImpl)(URLRouter router, TImpl instance, MethodStyle style)
475 {
476 	return registerRestInterface(router, instance, "/", style);
477 }
479 /// ditto
480 URLRouter registerRestInterface(TImpl)(URLRouter router, TImpl instance, string url_prefix,
481 	MethodStyle style = MethodStyle.lowerUnderscored)
482 {
483 	auto settings = new RestInterfaceSettings;
484 	if (!url_prefix.startsWith("/")) url_prefix = "/"~url_prefix;
485 	settings.baseURL = URL(""~url_prefix);
486 	settings.methodStyle = style;
487 	return registerRestInterface(router, instance, settings);
488 }
491 /**
492 	This is a very limited example of REST interface features. Please refer to
493 	the "rest" project in the "examples" folder for a full overview.
495 	All details related to HTTP are inferred from the interface declaration.
496 */
497 @safe unittest
498 {
499 	@path("/")
500 	interface IMyAPI
501 	{
502 		@safe:
503 		// GET /api/greeting
504 		@property string greeting();
506 		// PUT /api/greeting
507 		@property void greeting(string text);
509 		// POST /api/users
510 		@path("/users")
511 		void addNewUser(string name);
513 		// GET /api/users
514 		@property string[] users();
516 		// GET /api/:id/name
517 		string getName(int id);
519 		// GET /some_custom_json
520 		Json getSomeCustomJson();
521 	}
523 	// vibe.d takes care of all JSON encoding/decoding
524 	// and actual API implementation can work directly
525 	// with native types
527 	class API : IMyAPI
528 	{
529 		private {
530 			string m_greeting;
531 			string[] m_users;
532 		}
534 		@property string greeting() { return m_greeting; }
535 		@property void greeting(string text) { m_greeting = text; }
537 		void addNewUser(string name) { m_users ~= name; }
539 		@property string[] users() { return m_users; }
541 		string getName(int id) { return m_users[id]; }
543 		Json getSomeCustomJson()
544 		{
545 			Json ret = Json.emptyObject;
546 			ret["somefield"] = "Hello, World!";
547 			return ret;
548 		}
549 	}
551 	// actual usage, this is usually done in app.d module
552 	// constructor
554 	void static_this()
555 	{
556 		import vibe.http.server, vibe.http.router;
558 		auto router = new URLRouter;
559 		router.registerRestInterface(new API());
560 		listenHTTP(new HTTPServerSettings(), router);
561 	}
562 }
565 /**
566 	Returns a HTTP handler delegate that serves a JavaScript REST client.
567 */
568 HTTPServerRequestDelegate serveRestJSClient(I)(RestInterfaceSettings settings)
569 	if (is(I == interface))
570 {
571 	import std.datetime.systime : SysTime;
572 	import std.array : appender;
574 	import vibe.http.fileserver : ETag, handleCache;
576 	auto app = appender!string();
577 	generateRestJSClient!I(app, settings);
578 	ETag tag = ETag.md5(No.weak, app.data);
580 	void serve(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
581 	{
582 		if (handleCache(req, res, tag, SysTime.init, "public"))
583 			return;
585 		res.writeBody(app.data, "application/javascript; charset=UTF-8");
586 	}
588 	return &serve;
589 }
590 /// ditto
591 HTTPServerRequestDelegate serveRestJSClient(I)(URL base_url)
592 {
593 	auto settings = new RestInterfaceSettings;
594 	settings.baseURL = base_url;
595 	return serveRestJSClient!I(settings);
596 }
597 /// ditto
598 HTTPServerRequestDelegate serveRestJSClient(I)(string base_url)
599 {
600 	auto settings = new RestInterfaceSettings;
601 	settings.baseURL = URL(base_url);
602 	return serveRestJSClient!I(settings);
603 }
604 /// ditto
605 HTTPServerRequestDelegate serveRestJSClient(I)()
606 {
607 	auto settings = new RestInterfaceSettings;
608 	return serveRestJSClient!I(settings);
609 }
611 ///
612 unittest {
613 	import vibe.http.server;
615 	interface MyAPI {
616 		string getFoo();
617 		void postBar(string param);
618 	}
620 	void test()
621 	{
622 		auto restsettings = new RestInterfaceSettings;
623 		restsettings.baseURL = URL("http://api.example.org/");
625 		auto router = new URLRouter;
626 		router.get("/myapi.js", serveRestJSClient!MyAPI(restsettings));
627 		//router.get("/myapi.js", serveRestJSClient!MyAPI(URL("http://api.example.org/")));
628 		//router.get("/myapi.js", serveRestJSClient!MyAPI("http://api.example.org/"));
629 		//router.get("/myapi.js", serveRestJSClient!MyAPI()); // if want to request to self server
630 		//router.get("/", staticTemplate!"index.dt");
632 		listenHTTP(new HTTPServerSettings, router);
633 	}
635 	/*
636 		index.dt:
637 		html
638 			head
639 				title JS REST client test
640 				script(src="myapi.js")
641 			body
642 				button(onclick="MyAPI.postBar('hello');")
643 	*/
644 }
647 /**
648 	Generates JavaScript code to access a REST interface from the browser.
649 */
650 void generateRestJSClient(I, R)(ref R output, RestInterfaceSettings settings = null)
651 	if (is(I == interface) && isOutputRange!(R, char))
652 {
653 	import vibe.web.internal.rest.jsclient : generateInterface, JSRestClientSettings;
654 	auto jsgenset = new JSRestClientSettings;
655 	output.generateInterface!I(settings, jsgenset, true);
656 }
658 /// Writes a JavaScript REST client to a local .js file.
659 unittest {
660 	import vibe.core.file;
662 	interface MyAPI {
663 		void getFoo();
664 		void postBar(string param);
665 	}
667 	void generateJSClientImpl()
668 	{
669 		import std.array : appender;
671 		auto app = appender!string;
672 		auto settings = new RestInterfaceSettings;
673 		settings.baseURL = URL("http://localhost/");
674 		generateRestJSClient!MyAPI(app, settings);
675 	}
677 	generateJSClientImpl();
678 }
681 /**
682 	Implements the given interface by forwarding all public methods to a REST server.
684 	The server must talk the same protocol as registerRestInterface() generates. Be sure to set
685 	the matching method style for this. The RestInterfaceClient class will derive from the
686 	interface that is passed as a template argument. It can be used as a drop-in replacement
687 	of the real implementation of the API this way.
689 	Non-success:
690 		If a request failed, timed out, or the server returned an non-success status code,
691 		an `vibe.web.common.RestException` will be thrown.
692 */
693 class RestInterfaceClient(I) : I
694 {
695 	import std.typetuple : staticMap;
697 	private alias Info = RestInterface!I;
699 	//pragma(msg, "imports for "~I.stringof~":");
700 	//pragma(msg, generateModuleImports!(I)());
701 	mixin(generateModuleImports!I());
703 	private {
704 		// storing this struct directly causes a segfault when built with
705 		// LDC 0.15.x, so we are using a pointer here:
706 		RestInterface!I* m_intf;
707 		RequestFilter m_requestFilter;
708 		RequestBodyFilter m_requestBodyFilter;
709 		staticMap!(RestInterfaceClient, Info.SubInterfaceTypes) m_subInterfaces;
710 	}
712 	alias RequestFilter = void delegate(HTTPClientRequest req) @safe;
714 	alias RequestBodyFilter = void delegate(HTTPClientRequest req, scope InputStream body_contents) @safe;
716 	/**
717 		Creates a new REST client implementation of $(D I).
718 	*/
719 	this(RestInterfaceSettings settings)
720 	{
721 		m_intf = new Info(settings, true);
723 		foreach (i, SI; Info.SubInterfaceTypes)
724 			m_subInterfaces[i] = new RestInterfaceClient!SI(m_intf.subInterfaces[i].settings);
725 	}
727 	/// ditto
728 	this(string base_url, MethodStyle style = MethodStyle.lowerUnderscored)
729 	{
730 		this(URL(base_url), style);
731 	}
733 	/// ditto
734 	this(URL base_url, MethodStyle style = MethodStyle.lowerUnderscored)
735 	{
736 		scope settings = new RestInterfaceSettings;
737 		settings.baseURL = base_url;
738 		settings.methodStyle = style;
739 		this(settings);
740 	}
742 	/**
743 		An optional request filter that allows to modify each request before it is made.
744 	*/
745 	final @property RequestFilter requestFilter()
746 	{
747 		return m_requestFilter;
748 	}
749 	/// ditto
750 	final @property void requestFilter(RequestFilter v)
751 	{
752 		m_requestFilter = v;
753 		foreach (i, SI; Info.SubInterfaceTypes)
754 			m_subInterfaces[i].requestFilter = v;
755 	}
756 	/// ditto
757 	final @property void requestFilter(void delegate(HTTPClientRequest req) v)
758 	{
759 		this.requestFilter = cast(RequestFilter)v;
760 	}
762 	/** Optional request filter with access to the request body.
764 		This callback allows to modify the request headers depending on the
765 		contents of the body.
766 	*/
767 	final @property void requestBodyFilter(RequestBodyFilter del)
768 	{
769 		m_requestBodyFilter = del;
770 	}
771 	/// ditto
772 	final @property RequestBodyFilter requestBodyFilter()
773 	{
774 		return m_requestBodyFilter;
775 	}
777 	//pragma(msg, "restinterface:");
778 	mixin(generateRestClientMethods!I());
780 	protected {
781 		import vibe.data.json : Json;
782 		import vibe.textfilter.urlencode;
784 		/**
785 		 * Perform a request to the interface using the given parameters.
786 		 *
787 		 * Params:
788 		 * verb = Kind of request (See $(D HTTPMethod) enum).
789 		 * name = Location to request. For a request on https://github.com/rejectedsoftware/vibe.d/issues?q=author%3ASantaClaus,
790 		 *		it will be '/rejectedsoftware/vibe.d/issues'.
791 		 * hdrs = The headers to send. Some field might be overriden (such as Content-Length). However, Content-Type will NOT be overriden.
792 		 * query = The $(B encoded) query string. For a request on https://github.com/rejectedsoftware/vibe.d/issues?q=author%3ASantaClaus,
793 		 *		it will be 'author%3ASantaClaus'.
794 		 * body_ = The body to send, as a string. If a Content-Type is present in $(D hdrs), it will be used, otherwise it will default to
795 		 *		the generic type "application/json".
796 		 * reqReturnHdrs = A map of required return headers.
797 		 *				   To avoid returning unused headers, nothing is written
798 		 *				   to this structure unless there's an (usually empty)
799 		 *				   entry (= the key exists) with the same key.
800 		 *				   If any key present in `reqReturnHdrs` is not present
801 		 *				   in the response, an Exception is thrown.
802 		 * optReturnHdrs = A map of optional return headers.
803 		 *				   This behaves almost as exactly as reqReturnHdrs,
804 		 *				   except that non-existent key in the response will
805 		 *				   not cause it to throw, but rather to set this entry
806 		 *				   to 'null'.
807 		 *
808 		 * Returns:
809 		 *     The Json object returned by the request
810 		 */
811 		Json request(HTTPMethod verb, string name,
812 					 const scope ref InetHeaderMap hdrs, string query, string body_,
813 					 ref InetHeaderMap reqReturnHdrs,
814 					 ref InetHeaderMap optReturnHdrs) const
815 		{
816 			auto path = URL(m_intf.baseURL).pathString;
818 			if (name.length)
819 			{
820 				if (path.length && path[$ - 1] == '/' && name[0] == '/')
821 					path ~= name[1 .. $];
822 				else if (path.length && path[$ - 1] == '/' || name[0] == '/')
823 					path ~= name;
824 				else
825 					path ~= '/' ~ name;
826 			}
828 			auto httpsettings = m_intf.settings.httpClientSettings;
830 			auto http_resp = .request(URL(m_intf.baseURL), m_requestFilter,
831 				m_requestBodyFilter, verb, path,
832 				hdrs, query, body_, reqReturnHdrs, optReturnHdrs, httpsettings);
833 			scope(exit) http_resp.dropBody();
835 			return http_resp.readJson();
836 		}
837 	}
838 }
840 ///
841 unittest
842 {
843 	interface IMyApi
844 	{
845 		// GET /status
846 		string getStatus();
848 		// GET /greeting
849 		@property string greeting();
850 		// PUT /greeting
851 		@property void greeting(string text);
853 		// POST /new_user
854 		void addNewUser(string name);
855 		// GET /users
856 		@property string[] users();
857 		// GET /:id/name
858 		string getName(int id);
860 		Json getSomeCustomJson();
861 	}
863 	void test()
864 	{
865 		auto api = new RestInterfaceClient!IMyApi("");
867 		logInfo("Status: %s", api.getStatus());
868 		api.greeting = "Hello, World!";
869 		logInfo("Greeting message: %s", api.greeting);
870 		api.addNewUser("Peter");
871 		api.addNewUser("Igor");
872 		logInfo("Users: %s", api.users);
873 		logInfo("First user name: %s", api.getName(0));
874 	}
875 }
878 /**
879 	Encapsulates settings used to customize the generated REST interface.
880 */
881 class RestInterfaceSettings {
882 	/** The public URL below which the REST interface is registered.
883 	*/
884 	URL baseURL;
886 	/** List of allowed origins for CORS
888 		Empty list is interpreted as allowing all origins (e.g. *)
889 	*/
890 	string[] allowedOrigins;
892 	/** Naming convention used for the generated URLs.
893 	*/
894 	MethodStyle methodStyle = MethodStyle.lowerUnderscored;
896     /** The content type the client would like to receive the data back
897 	*/
898 	string content_type = "application/json";
900 	/** Ignores a trailing underscore in method and function names.
902 		With this setting set to $(D true), it's possible to use names in the
903 		REST interface that are reserved words in D.
904 	*/
905 	bool stripTrailingUnderscore = true;
907 	/// Overrides the default HTTP client settings used by the `RestInterfaceClient`.
908 	HTTPClientSettings httpClientSettings;
910 	/** Optional handler used to render custom replies in case of errors.
912 		The handler needs to set the response status code to the provided
913 		`RestErrorInformation.statusCode` value and can then write a custom
914 		response body.
916 		Note that the REST interface generator by default handles any exceptions thrown
917 		during request handling and sents a JSON response with the error message. The
918 		low level `HTTPServerSettings.errorPageHandler` is not invoked.
920 		If `errorHandler` is not set, a JSON object with a single field "statusMessage"
921 		will be sent. In debug builds, there may also be an additional
922 		"statusDebugMessage" field that contains the full exception text, including a
923 		possible stack trace.
924 	*/
925 	RestErrorHandler errorHandler;
927 	@property RestInterfaceSettings dup()
928 	const @safe {
929 		auto ret = new RestInterfaceSettings;
930 		ret.baseURL = this.baseURL;
931 		ret.methodStyle = this.methodStyle;
932 		ret.stripTrailingUnderscore = this.stripTrailingUnderscore;
933 		ret.allowedOrigins = this.allowedOrigins.dup;
934 		ret.content_type = this.content_type.dup;
935 		ret.errorHandler = this.errorHandler;
936 		if (this.httpClientSettings) {
937 			ret.httpClientSettings = this.httpClientSettings.dup;
938 		}
939 		return ret;
940 	}
941 }
943 /** Type of the optional handler used to render custom replies in case of errors.
945 	The error handler for a REST interface can be set via
946 	`RestInterfaceSettings.errorHandler`.
947  */
948 alias RestErrorHandler = void delegate(HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse, RestErrorInformation error) @safe;
950 /** Contains detailed informations about the error
952 	Used by the error handler (`RestInterfaceSettings.errorHandler`) to return
953 	the correct information(s) to clients.
954  */
955 struct RestErrorInformation {
956 	/// The status code that the handler should send in the reply
957 	HTTPStatus statusCode;
959 	/** If triggered by an exception, this contains the catched exception
960 		object.
961 	*/
962 	Exception exception;
964 	private this(Exception e, HTTPStatus default_status)
965 	@safe {
966 		this.exception = e;
968 		if (auto he = cast(HTTPStatusException)e) {
969 			this.statusCode = cast(HTTPStatus)he.status;
970 		} else {
971 			this.statusCode = default_status;
972 		}
973 	}
974 }
977 /**
978 	Models REST collection interfaces using natural D syntax.
980 	Use this type as the return value of a REST interface getter method/property
981 	to model a collection of objects. `opIndex` is used to make the individual
982 	entries accessible using the `[index]` syntax. Nested collections are
983 	supported.
985 	The interface `I` needs to define a struct named `CollectionIndices`. The
986 	members of this struct denote the types and names of the indexes that lead
987 	to a particular resource. If a collection is nested within another
988 	collection, the order of these members must match the nesting order
989 	(outermost first).
991 	The parameter list of all of `I`'s methods must begin with all but the last
992 	entry in `CollectionIndices`. Methods that also match the last entry will be
993 	considered methods of a collection item (`collection[index].method()`),
994 	wheres all other methods will be considered methods of the collection
995 	itself (`collection.method()`).
997 	The name of the index parameters affects the default path of a method's
998 	route. Normal parameter names will be subject to the same rules as usual
999 	routes (see `registerRestInterface`) and will be mapped to query or form
1000 	parameters at the protocol level. Names starting with an underscore will
1001 	instead be mapped to path placeholders. For example,
1002 	`void getName(int __item_id)` will be mapped to a GET request to the
1003 	path `":item_id/name"`.
1004 */
1005 struct Collection(I)
1006 	if (is(I == interface))
1007 {
1008 	static assert(is(I.CollectionIndices == struct), "Collection interfaces must define a CollectionIndices struct.");
1010 	alias Interface = I;
1011 	alias AllIDs = AliasSeq!(typeof(I.CollectionIndices.tupleof));
1012 	alias AllIDNames = FieldNameTuple!(I.CollectionIndices);
1013 	static assert(AllIDs.length >= 1, I.stringof~".CollectionIndices must define at least one member.");
1014 	static assert(AllIDNames.length == AllIDs.length);
1015 	alias ItemID = AllIDs[$-1];
1016 	alias ParentIDs = AllIDs[0 .. $-1];
1017 	alias ParentIDNames = AllIDNames[0 .. $-1];
1019 	package {
1020 		I m_interface;
1021 		ParentIDs m_parentIDs;
1022 	}
1024 	/** Constructs a new collection instance that is tied to a particular
1025 		parent collection entry.
1027 		Params:
1028 			api = The target interface imstance to be mapped as a collection
1029 			pids = The indexes of all collections in which this collection is
1030 				nested (if any)
1031 	*/
1032 	this(I api, ParentIDs pids)
1033 	{
1034 		m_interface = api;
1035 		m_parentIDs = pids;
1036 	}
1038 	static struct Item {
1039 		private {
1040 			I m_interface;
1041 			AllIDs m_id;
1042 		}
1044 		this(I api, AllIDs id)
1045 		{
1046 			m_interface = api;
1047 			m_id = id;
1048 		}
1050 		// forward all item methods
1051 		mixin(() {
1052 			string ret;
1053 			foreach (m; __traits(allMembers, I)) {
1054 				foreach (ovrld; MemberFunctionsTuple!(I, m)) {
1055 					alias PT = ParameterTypeTuple!ovrld;
1056 					static if (matchesAllIDs!ovrld)
1057 						ret ~= "auto "~m~"(ARGS...)(ARGS args) { return m_interface."~m~"(m_id, args); }\n";
1058 				}
1059 			}
1060 			return ret;
1061 		} ());
1062 	}
1064 	// Note: the example causes a recursive template instantiation if done as a documented unit test:
1065 	/** Accesses a single collection entry.
1067 		Example:
1068 		---
1069 		interface IMain {
1070 			@property Collection!IItem items();
1071 		}
1073 		interface IItem {
1074 			struct CollectionIndices {
1075 				int _itemID;
1076 			}
1078 			@method(HTTPMethod.GET)
1079 			string name(int _itemID);
1080 		}
1082 		void test(IMain main)
1083 		{
1084 			auto item_name = main.items[23].name; // equivalent to IItem.name(23)
1085 		}
1086 		---
1087 	*/
1088 	Item opIndex(ItemID id)
1089 	{
1090 		return Item(m_interface, m_parentIDs, id);
1091 	}
1093 	// forward all non-item methods
1094 	mixin(() {
1095 		string ret;
1096 		foreach (m; __traits(allMembers, I)) {
1097 			foreach (ovrld; MemberFunctionsTuple!(I, m)) {
1098 				alias PT = ParameterTypeTuple!ovrld;
1099 				static if (!matchesAllIDs!ovrld && !hasUDA!(ovrld, NoRouteAttribute)) {
1100 					static assert(matchesParentIDs!ovrld,
1101 						"Collection methods must take all parent IDs as the first parameters."~PT.stringof~"   "~ParentIDs.stringof);
1102 					ret ~= "auto "~m~"(ARGS...)(ARGS args) { return m_interface."~m~"(m_parentIDs, args); }\n";
1103 				}
1104 			}
1105 		}
1106 		return ret;
1107 	} ());
1109 	private template matchesParentIDs(alias func) {
1110 		static if (is(ParameterTypeTuple!func[0 .. ParentIDs.length] == ParentIDs)) {
1111 			static if (ParentIDNames.length == 0) enum matchesParentIDs = true;
1112 			else static if (ParameterIdentifierTuple!func[0 .. ParentIDNames.length] == ParentIDNames)
1113 				enum matchesParentIDs = true;
1114 			else enum matchesParentIDs = false;
1115 		} else enum matchesParentIDs = false;
1116 	}
1118 	private template matchesAllIDs(alias func) {
1119 		static if (is(ParameterTypeTuple!func[0 .. AllIDs.length] == AllIDs)) {
1120 			static if (ParameterIdentifierTuple!func[0 .. AllIDNames.length] == AllIDNames)
1121 				enum matchesAllIDs = true;
1122 			else enum matchesAllIDs = false;
1123 		} else enum matchesAllIDs = false;
1124 	}
1125 }
1127 /// Model two nested collections using path based indexes
1128 unittest {
1129 	//
1130 	// API definition
1131 	//
1132 	interface SubItemAPI {
1133 		// Define the index path that leads to a sub item
1134 		struct CollectionIndices {
1135 			// The ID of the base item. This must match the definition in
1136 			// ItemAPI.CollectionIndices
1137 			string _item;
1138 			// The index if the sub item
1139 			int _index;
1140 		}
1142 		// GET /items/:item/subItems/length
1143 		@property int length(string _item);
1145 		// GET /items/:item/subItems/:index/squared_position
1146 		int getSquaredPosition(string _item, int _index);
1147 	}
1149 	interface ItemAPI {
1150 		// Define the index that identifies an item
1151 		struct CollectionIndices {
1152 			string _item;
1153 		}
1155 		// base path /items/:item/subItems
1156 		Collection!SubItemAPI subItems(string _item);
1158 		// GET /items/:item/name
1159 		@property string name(string _item);
1160 	}
1162 	interface API {
1163 		// a collection of items at the base path /items/
1164 		Collection!ItemAPI items();
1165 	}
1167 	//
1168 	// Local API implementation
1169 	//
1170 	class SubItemAPIImpl : SubItemAPI {
1171 		@property int length(string _item) { return 10; }
1173 		int getSquaredPosition(string _item, int _index) { return _index ^^ 2; }
1174 	}
1176 	class ItemAPIImpl : ItemAPI {
1177 		private SubItemAPIImpl m_subItems;
1179 		this() { m_subItems = new SubItemAPIImpl; }
1181 		Collection!SubItemAPI subItems(string _item) { return Collection!SubItemAPI(m_subItems, _item); }
1183 		string name(string _item) { return _item; }
1184 	}
1186 	class APIImpl : API {
1187 		private ItemAPIImpl m_items;
1189 		this() { m_items = new ItemAPIImpl; }
1191 		Collection!ItemAPI items() { return Collection!ItemAPI(m_items); }
1192 	}
1194 	//
1195 	// Resulting API usage
1196 	//
1197 	API api = new APIImpl; // A RestInterfaceClient!API would work just as well
1199 	// GET /items/foo/name
1200 	assert(api.items["foo"].name == "foo");
1201 	// GET /items/foo/sub_items/length
1202 	assert(api.items["foo"].subItems.length == 10);
1203 	// GET /items/foo/sub_items/2/squared_position
1204 	assert(api.items["foo"].subItems[2].getSquaredPosition() == 4);
1205 }
1207 unittest {
1208 	interface I {
1209 		struct CollectionIndices {
1210 			int id1;
1211 			string id2;
1212 		}
1214 		void a(int id1, string id2);
1215 		void b(int id1, int id2);
1216 		void c(int id1, string p);
1217 		void d(int id1, string id2, int p);
1218 		void e(int id1, int id2, int p);
1219 		void f(int id1, string p, int q);
1220 	}
1222 	Collection!I coll;
1223 	static assert(is(typeof(coll["x"].a()) == void));
1224 	static assert(is(typeof(coll.b(42)) == void));
1225 	static assert(is(typeof(coll.c("foo")) == void));
1226 	static assert(is(typeof(coll["x"].d(42)) == void));
1227 	static assert(is(typeof(coll.e(42, 42)) == void));
1228 	static assert(is(typeof(coll.f("foo", 42)) == void));
1229 }
1231 /// Model two nested collections using normal query parameters as indexes
1232 unittest {
1233 	//
1234 	// API definition
1235 	//
1236 	interface SubItemAPI {
1237 		// Define the index path that leads to a sub item
1238 		struct CollectionIndices {
1239 			// The ID of the base item. This must match the definition in
1240 			// ItemAPI.CollectionIndices
1241 			string item;
1242 			// The index if the sub item
1243 			int index;
1244 		}
1246 		// GET /items/subItems/length?item=...
1247 		@property int length(string item);
1249 		// GET /items/subItems/squared_position?item=...&index=...
1250 		int getSquaredPosition(string item, int index);
1251 	}
1253 	interface ItemAPI {
1254 		// Define the index that identifies an item
1255 		struct CollectionIndices {
1256 			string item;
1257 		}
1259 		// base path /items/subItems?item=...
1260 		Collection!SubItemAPI subItems(string item);
1262 		// GET /items/name?item=...
1263 		@property string name(string item);
1264 	}
1266 	interface API {
1267 		// a collection of items at the base path /items/
1268 		Collection!ItemAPI items();
1269 	}
1271 	//
1272 	// Local API implementation
1273 	//
1274 	class SubItemAPIImpl : SubItemAPI {
1275 		@property int length(string item) { return 10; }
1277 		int getSquaredPosition(string item, int index) { return index ^^ 2; }
1278 	}
1280 	class ItemAPIImpl : ItemAPI {
1281 		private SubItemAPIImpl m_subItems;
1283 		this() { m_subItems = new SubItemAPIImpl; }
1285 		Collection!SubItemAPI subItems(string item) { return Collection!SubItemAPI(m_subItems, item); }
1287 		string name(string item) { return item; }
1288 	}
1290 	class APIImpl : API {
1291 		private ItemAPIImpl m_items;
1293 		this() { m_items = new ItemAPIImpl; }
1295 		Collection!ItemAPI items() { return Collection!ItemAPI(m_items); }
1296 	}
1298 	//
1299 	// Resulting API usage
1300 	//
1301 	API api = new APIImpl; // A RestInterfaceClient!API would work just as well
1303 	// GET /items/name?item=foo
1304 	assert(api.items["foo"].name == "foo");
1305 	// GET /items/subitems/length?item=foo
1306 	assert(api.items["foo"].subItems.length == 10);
1307 	// GET /items/subitems/squared_position?item=foo&index=2
1308 	assert(api.items["foo"].subItems[2].getSquaredPosition() == 4);
1309 }
1311 unittest {
1312 	interface C {
1313 		struct CollectionIndices {
1314 			int _ax;
1315 			int _b;
1316 		}
1317 		void testB(int _ax, int _b);
1318 	}
1320 	interface B {
1321 		struct CollectionIndices {
1322 			int _a;
1323 		}
1324 		Collection!C c();
1325 		void testA(int _a);
1326 	}
1328 	interface A {
1329 		Collection!B b();
1330 	}
1332 	static assert (!is(typeof(A.init.b[1].c[2].testB())));
1333 }
1335 /** Allows processing the server request/response before the handler method is called.
1337 	Note that this attribute is only used by `registerRestInterface`, but not
1338 	by the client generators. This attribute expects the name of a parameter that
1339 	will receive its return value.
1341 	Writing to the response body from within the specified hander function
1342 	causes any further processing of the request to be skipped. In particular,
1343 	the route handler method will not be called.
1345 	Note:
1346 		The example shows the drawback of this attribute. It generally is a
1347 		leaky abstraction that propagates to the base interface. For this
1348 		reason the use of this attribute is not recommended, unless there is
1349 		no suitable alternative.
1350 */
1351 alias before = vibe.internal.meta.funcattr.before;
1353 ///
1354 @safe unittest {
1355     import vibe.http.router;
1356 	import vibe.http.server;
1357     import vibe.web.rest;
1359 	interface MyService {
1360 		long getHeaderCount(size_t foo = 0) @safe;
1361 	}
1363 	static size_t handler(scope HTTPServerRequest req, scope HTTPServerResponse res)
1364 	{
1365 		return req.headers.length;
1366 	}
1368 	class MyServiceImpl : MyService {
1369 		// the "foo" parameter will receive the number of request headers
1370 		@before!handler("foo")
1371 		long getHeaderCount(size_t foo)
1372 		{
1373 			return foo;
1374 		}
1375 	}
1377 	void test(URLRouter router)
1378 	@safe {
1379 		router.registerRestInterface(new MyServiceImpl);
1380 	}
1381 }
1384 /** Allows processing the return value of a handler method and the request/response objects.
1386 	The value returned by the REST API will be the value returned by the last
1387 	`@after` handler, which allows to post process the results of the handler
1388 	method.
1390 	Writing to the response body from within the specified handler function
1391 	causes any further processing of the request ot be skipped, including
1392 	any other `@after` annotations and writing the result value.
1393 */
1394 alias after = vibe.internal.meta.funcattr.after;
1396 ///
1397 @safe unittest {
1398     import vibe.http.router;
1399 	import vibe.http.server;
1400     import vibe.web.rest;
1402 	interface MyService {
1403 		long getMagic() @safe;
1404 	}
1406 	static long handler(long ret, HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
1407 	@safe {
1408 		return ret * 2;
1409 	}
1411 	class MyServiceImpl : MyService{
1412 		// the result reported by the REST API will be 42
1413 		@after!handler
1414 		long getMagic()
1415 		{
1416 			return 21;
1417 		}
1418 	}
1420 	void test(URLRouter router)
1421 	@safe {
1422 		router.registerRestInterface(new MyServiceImpl);
1423 	}
1424 }
1426 /**
1427  * Generate an handler that will wrap the server's method
1428  *
1429  * This function returns an handler, generated at compile time, that
1430  * will deserialize the parameters, pass them to the function implemented
1431  * by the user, and return what it needs to return, be it header parameters
1432  * or body, which is at the moment either a pure string or a Json object.
1433  *
1434  * One thing that makes this method more complex that it needs be is the
1435  * inability for D to attach UDA to parameters. This means we have to roll
1436  * our own implementation, which tries to be as easy to use as possible.
1437  * We'll require the user to give the name of the parameter as a string to
1438  * our UDA. Hopefully, we're also able to detect at compile time if the user
1439  * made a typo of any kind (see $(D genInterfaceValidationError)).
1440  *
1441  * Note:
1442  * Lots of abbreviations are used to ease the code, such as
1443  * PTT (ParameterTypeTuple), WPAT (WebParamAttributeTuple)
1444  * and PWPAT (ParameterWebParamAttributeTuple).
1445  *
1446  * Params:
1447  *	T = type of the object which represent the REST server (user implemented).
1448  *	Func = An alias to the function of $(D T) to wrap.
1449  *
1450  *	inst = REST server on which to call our $(D Func).
1451  *	settings = REST server configuration.
1452  *
1453  * Returns:
1454  *	A delegate suitable to use as an handler for an HTTP request.
1455  */
1456 private HTTPServerRequestDelegate jsonMethodHandler(alias Func, size_t ridx, T)(T inst, ref RestInterface!T intf)
1457 {
1458 	import std.encoding : sanitize;
1459 	import std.string : format;
1460 	import std.traits : Unqual;
1461 	import vibe.http.common : enforceBadRequest;
1462 	import vibe.web.internal.rest.common : ParameterKind;
1463 	import vibe.internal.meta.funcattr : IsAttributedParameter, computeAttributedParameterCtx;
1464 	import vibe.internal.meta.traits : derivedMethod;
1465 	import vibe.textfilter.urlencode : urlDecode;
1467 	enum Method = __traits(identifier, Func);
1468 	// We need mutable types for deserialization
1469 	alias PTypes = staticMap!(Unqual, ParameterTypeTuple!Func);
1470 	alias PDefaults = ParameterDefaultValueTuple!Func;
1471 	alias CFuncRaw = derivedMethod!(T, Func);
1472 	static if (AliasSeq!(CFuncRaw).length > 0) alias CFunc = CFuncRaw;
1473 	else alias CFunc = Func;
1474 	alias RT = ReturnType!(FunctionTypeOf!Func);
1475 	static const sroute = RestInterface!T.staticRoutes[ridx];
1476 	auto route = intf.routes[ridx];
1477 	auto settings = intf.settings;
1478     alias SerPolicyType = SerPolicyT!(RestInterface!T.I).PolicyTemplate;
1480 	void handler(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
1481 	@safe {
1482 		if (route.bodyParameters.length) {
1483 			/*enforceBadRequest(req.contentType == "application/json",
1484 				"The Content-Type header needs to be set to application/json.");*/
1485 			enforceBadRequest(req.json.type != Json.Type.undefined,
1486 				"The request body does not contain a valid JSON value.");
1487 			enforceBadRequest(req.json.type == Json.Type.object,
1488 				"The request body must contain a JSON object.");
1489 		}
1491 		void handleException(Exception e, HTTPStatus default_status)
1492 		@safe {
1493 			logDebug("REST handler exception: %s", () @trusted { return e.toString(); } ());
1494 			if (res.headerWritten) {
1495 				logDebug("Response already started. Client will not receive an error code!");
1496 				return;
1497 			}
1499 			if (settings.errorHandler) {
1500 				settings.errorHandler(req, res, RestErrorInformation(e, default_status));
1501 			} else {
1502 				import std.algorithm : among;
1503 				debug string debugMsg;
1505 				if (auto se = cast(HTTPStatusException)e)
1506 					res.statusCode = se.status;
1507 				else debug {
1508 					res.statusCode = HTTPStatus.internalServerError;
1509 					debugMsg = e.toString().sanitize();
1510 				}
1511 				else
1512 					res.statusCode = default_status;
1514 				// All 1xx(informational), 204 (no content), and 304 (not modified) responses MUST NOT include a message-body.
1515 				// See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-4.3
1516 				if (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode.among(204, 304)) {
1517 					res.writeVoidBody();
1518 					return;
1519 				}
1521 				debug {
1522 					if (debugMsg) {
1523 						res.writeJsonBody(["statusMessage": e.msg, "statusDebugMessage": debugMsg]);
1524 						return;
1525 					}
1526 				}
1527 				res.writeJsonBody(["statusMessage": e.msg]);
1528 			}
1529 		}
1531 		static if (isAuthenticated!(T, Func)) {
1532 			typeof(handleAuthentication!Func(inst, req, res)) auth_info;
1534 			try auth_info = handleAuthentication!Func(inst, req, res);
1535 			catch (Exception e) {
1536 				handleException(e, HTTPStatus.unauthorized);
1537 				return;
1538 			}
1540 			if (res.headerWritten) return;
1541 		}
1544 		PTypes params;
1546 		try {
1547 			foreach (i, PT; PTypes) {
1548 				enum sparam = sroute.parameters[i];
1550 				static if (sparam.isIn) {
1551 					enum pname = sparam.name;
1552 					auto fieldname = route.parameters[i].fieldName;
1553 					static if (isInstanceOf!(Nullable, PT)) PT v;
1554 					else Nullable!PT v;
1556 					static if (sparam.kind == ParameterKind.auth) {
1557 						v = auth_info;
1558 					} else static if (sparam.kind == ParameterKind.query) {
1559 						if (auto pv = fieldname in req.query)
1560 							v = fromRestString!(PT, SerPolicyType)(*pv);
1561 					} else static if (sparam.kind == ParameterKind.wholeBody) {
1562 						try v = deserializeWithPolicy!(JsonSerializer, SerPolicyType, PT)(req.json);
1563 						catch (JSONException e) enforceBadRequest(false, e.msg);
1564 					} else static if (sparam.kind == ParameterKind.body_) {
1565 						try {
1566 							if (auto pv = fieldname in req.json)
1567 								v = deserializeWithPolicy!(JsonSerializer, SerPolicyType, PT)(*pv);
1568 						} catch (JSONException e)
1569 							enforceBadRequest(false, e.msg);
1570 					} else static if (sparam.kind == ParameterKind.header) {
1571 						if (auto pv = fieldname in req.headers)
1572 							v = fromRestString!(PT, SerPolicyType)(*pv);
1573 					} else static if (sparam.kind == ParameterKind.attributed) {
1574 						static if (!__traits(compiles, () @safe { computeAttributedParameterCtx!(CFunc, pname)(inst, req, res); } ()))
1575 							static assert(false, "`@before` evaluator for REST interface method `" ~ fullyQualifiedName!T ~ "." ~ Method ~ "` must be marked `@safe`.");
1576 						v = computeAttributedParameterCtx!(CFunc, pname)(inst, req, res);
1577 					} else static if (sparam.kind == ParameterKind.internal) {
1578 						if (auto pv = fieldname in req.params)
1579 							v = fromRestString!(PT, DefaultPolicy)(urlDecode(*pv));
1580 					} else static assert(false, "Unhandled parameter kind.");
1582 					static if (isInstanceOf!(Nullable, PT)) params[i] = v;
1583 					else if (v.isNull()) {
1584 						static if (!is(PDefaults[i] == void)) params[i] = PDefaults[i];
1585 						else enforceBadRequest(false, "Missing non-optional "~sparam.kind.to!string~" parameter '"~(fieldname.length?fieldname:sparam.name)~"'.");
1586 					} else params[i] = v.get;
1587 				}
1588 			}
1589 		} catch (Exception e) {
1590 			handleException(e, HTTPStatus.badRequest);
1591 			return;
1592 		}
1594 		static if (isAuthenticated!(T, Func)) {
1595 			try handleAuthorization!(T, Func, params)(auth_info);
1596 			catch (Exception e) {
1597 				handleException(e, HTTPStatus.forbidden);
1598 				return;
1599 			}
1600 		}
1602 		void handleCors()
1603 		{
1604 			import std.algorithm : any;
1605 			import std.uni : sicmp;
1607 			if (req.method == HTTPMethod.OPTIONS)
1608 				return;
1609 			auto origin = "Origin" in req.headers;
1610 			if (origin is null)
1611 				return;
1613 			if (settings.allowedOrigins.length != 0 &&
1614 				!settings.allowedOrigins.any!(org => org.sicmp((*origin)) == 0))
1615 				return;
1617 			res.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = *origin;
1618 			res.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"] = "true";
1619 		}
1620 		// Anti copy-paste
1621 		void returnHeaders()
1622 		{
1623 			handleCors();
1624 			foreach (i, P; PTypes) {
1625 				static if (sroute.parameters[i].isOut) {
1626 					static assert (sroute.parameters[i].kind == ParameterKind.header);
1627 					static if (isInstanceOf!(Nullable, typeof(params[i]))) {
1628 						if (!params[i].isNull)
1629 							res.headers[route.parameters[i].fieldName] = to!string(params[i]);
1630 					} else {
1631 						res.headers[route.parameters[i].fieldName] = to!string(params[i]);
1632 					}
1633 				}
1634 			}
1635 		}
1637 		try {
1638 			import vibe.internal.meta.funcattr;
1640 			static if (!__traits(compiles, () @safe { __traits(getMember, inst, Method)(params); }))
1641 				static assert(false, "REST interface method `" ~ fullyQualifiedName!T ~ "." ~ Method ~ "` must be marked `@safe`.");
1643 			static if (is(RT == void)) {
1644 				// TODO: remove after deprecation period
1645 				__traits(getMember, inst, Method)(params);
1646 				returnHeaders();
1647 				res.writeBody(cast(ubyte[])null);
1648 			} else static if (isInputStream!RT) {
1649 				returnHeaders();
1650 				auto ret = evaluateOutputModifiers!CFunc(
1651 						__traits(getMember, inst, Method)(params), req, res);
1652 				res.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/octet-stream";
1653 				ret.pipe(res.bodyWriter);
1654 			} else {
1655 				// TODO: remove after deprecation period
1656 				static if (!__traits(compiles, () @safe { evaluateOutputModifiers!Func(RT.init, req, res); } ()))
1657 					static assert(false, "`@after` evaluator for REST interface method `" ~ fullyQualifiedName!T ~ "." ~ Method ~ "` must be marked `@safe`.");
1659 				auto ret = evaluateOutputModifiers!CFunc(
1660 						__traits(getMember, inst, Method)(params), req, res);
1661 				returnHeaders();
1663 				string accept_str;
1664 				if (const accept_header = "Accept" in req.headers)
1665 					accept_str = *accept_header;
1666 				alias result_serializers = ResultSerializersT!Func;
1667 				immutable serializer_ind = get_matching_content_type!(result_serializers)(accept_str);
1668 				foreach (i, serializer; result_serializers)
1669 					if (serializer_ind == i) {
1670 						auto serialized_output = appender!(ubyte[]);
1671 						static if (
1672 							__traits(compiles, () @trusted {
1673 								serializer.serialize!(SerPolicyT!(RestInterface!T.I).PolicyTemplate)(serialized_output, ret);
1674 							})
1675 							&& !__traits(compiles, () @safe {
1676 								serializer.serialize!(SerPolicyT!(RestInterface!T.I).PolicyTemplate)(serialized_output, ret);
1677 							}))
1678 						{
1679 							static assert(false, "Serialization of return type `"~RT.stringof~"` of REST interface method `" ~ fullyQualifiedName!T ~ "." ~ Method ~ "` must be `@safe`.");
1680 						}
1681 						serializer.serialize!(SerPolicyT!(RestInterface!T.I).PolicyTemplate)(serialized_output, ret);
1682 						res.writeBody(serialized_output.data, serializer.contentType);
1683 					}
1684 				res.statusCode = HTTPStatus.notAcceptable; // will trigger RestException on the client side
1685 				res.writeBody(cast(ubyte[])null);
1686 			}
1687 		} catch (Exception e) {
1688 			returnHeaders();
1689 			handleException(e, HTTPStatus.internalServerError);
1690 		}
1691 	}
1693 	return &handler;
1694 }
1696 /**
1697  * Generate an handler that will wrap the server's method
1698  *
1699  * This function returns an handler that handles the http OPTIONS method.
1700  *
1701  * It will return the ALLOW header with all the methods on this resource
1702  * And it will handle Preflight CORS.
1703  *
1704  * Params:
1705  *	routes = a range of Routes were each route has the same resource/URI
1706  *				just different method.
1707  *	settings = REST server configuration.
1708  *
1709  * Returns:
1710  *	A delegate suitable to use as an handler for an HTTP request.
1711  */
1712 private HTTPServerRequestDelegate optionsMethodHandler(RouteRange)(RouteRange routes, RestInterfaceSettings settings = null)
1713 {
1714 	import std.algorithm : map, joiner, any;
1715 	import std.array : array;
1716 	import std.conv : text;
1717 	import vibe.http.common : httpMethodString, httpMethodFromString;
1718 	// NOTE: don't know what is better, to keep this in memory, or generate on each request
1719 	auto allow = routes.map!(r => r.method.httpMethodString).joiner(",").text();
1720 	auto methods = routes.map!(r => r.method).array();
1722 	void handlePreflightedCors(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res, ref HTTPMethod[] methods, RestInterfaceSettings settings = null)
1723 	{
1724 		import std.algorithm : among;
1725 		import std.uni : sicmp;
1727 		auto origin = "Origin" in req.headers;
1728 		if (origin is null)
1729 			return;
1731 		if (settings !is null &&
1732 			settings.allowedOrigins.length != 0 &&
1733 			!settings.allowedOrigins.any!(org => org.sicmp((*origin)) == 0))
1734 			return;
1736 		auto method = "Access-Control-Request-Method" in req.headers;
1737 		if (method is null)
1738 			return;
1740 		auto httpMethod = httpMethodFromString(*method);
1742 		if (!methods.any!(m => m == httpMethod))
1743 			return;
1745 		res.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = *origin;
1747 		// there is no way to know if the specific resource supports credentials
1748 		// (either cookies, HTTP authentication, or client-side SSL certificates),
1749 		// so we always assume it does
1750 		res.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"] = "true";
1751 		res.headers["Access-Control-Max-Age"] = "1728000";
1752 		res.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = *method;
1754 		// we have no way to reliably determine what headers the resource allows
1755 		// so we simply copy whatever the client requested
1756 		if (auto headers = "Access-Control-Request-Headers" in req.headers)
1757 			res.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = *headers;
1758 	}
1760 	void handler(HTTPServerRequest req, HTTPServerResponse res)
1761 	{
1762 		// since this is a OPTIONS request, we have to return the ALLOW headers to tell which methods we have
1763 		res.headers["Allow"] = allow;
1765 		// handle CORS preflighted requests
1766 		handlePreflightedCors(req,res,methods,settings);
1768 		// NOTE: besides just returning the allowed methods and handling CORS preflighted requests,
1769 		// this would be a nice place to describe what kind of resources are on this route,
1770 		// the params each accepts, the headers, etc... think WSDL but then for REST.
1771 		res.writeBody("");
1772 	}
1773 	return &handler;
1774 }
1776 private string generateRestClientMethods(I)()
1777 {
1778 	import std.array : join;
1779 	import std.string : format;
1780 	import std.traits : fullyQualifiedName, isInstanceOf;
1782 	alias Info = RestInterface!I;
1784 	string ret = q{
1785 		import vibe.internal.meta.codegen : CloneFunction;
1786 	};
1788 	// generate sub interface methods
1789 	foreach (i, SI; Info.SubInterfaceTypes) {
1790 		alias F = Info.SubInterfaceFunctions[i];
1791 		alias RT = ReturnType!F;
1792 		alias ParamNames = ParameterIdentifierTuple!F;
1793 		static if (ParamNames.length == 0) enum pnames = "";
1794 		else enum pnames = ", " ~ [ParamNames].join(", ");
1795 		static if (isInstanceOf!(Collection, RT)) {
1796 			ret ~= q{
1797 					mixin CloneFunction!(Info.SubInterfaceFunctions[%1$s], q{
1798 						return Collection!(%2$s)(m_subInterfaces[%1$s]%3$s);
1799 					});
1800 				}.format(i, fullyQualifiedName!SI, pnames);
1801 		} else {
1802 			ret ~= q{
1803 					mixin CloneFunction!(Info.SubInterfaceFunctions[%1$s], q{
1804 						return m_subInterfaces[%1$s];
1805 					});
1806 				}.format(i);
1807 		}
1808 	}
1810 	// generate route methods
1811 	foreach (i, F; Info.RouteFunctions) {
1812 		alias ParamNames = ParameterIdentifierTuple!F;
1813 		static if (ParamNames.length == 0) enum pnames = "";
1814 		else enum pnames = ", " ~ [ParamNames].join(", ");
1816 		ret ~= q{
1817 				mixin CloneFunction!(Info.RouteFunctions[%1$s], q{
1818 					return executeClientMethod!(I, %1$s%2$s)(*m_intf, m_requestFilter, m_requestBodyFilter);
1819 				});
1820 			}.format(i, pnames);
1821 	}
1823 	// generate stubs for non-route functions
1824 	static foreach (m; __traits(allMembers, I))
1825 		foreach (i, fun; MemberFunctionsTuple!(I, m))
1826 			static if (hasUDA!(fun, NoRouteAttribute))
1827 				ret ~= q{
1828 					mixin CloneFunction!(MemberFunctionsTuple!(I, "%s")[%s], q{
1829 						assert(false);
1830 					});
1831 				}.format(m, i);
1833 	return ret;
1834 }
1837 private auto executeClientMethod(I, size_t ridx, ARGS...)
1838 	(const ref RestInterface!I intf, scope void delegate(HTTPClientRequest) @safe request_filter,
1839 		scope void delegate(HTTPClientRequest, scope InputStream) @safe request_body_filter)
1840 {
1841 	import vibe.internal.interfaceproxy : asInterface;
1842 	import vibe.web.internal.rest.common : ParameterKind;
1843 	import vibe.stream.operations : readAll;
1844 	import vibe.textfilter.urlencode : filterURLEncode, urlEncode;
1846 	alias Info = RestInterface!I;
1847 	alias Func = Info.RouteFunctions[ridx];
1848 	alias RT = ReturnType!Func;
1849 	alias PTT = ParameterTypeTuple!Func;
1850 	alias SerPolicyType = SerPolicyT!I.PolicyTemplate;
1851 	enum sroute = Info.staticRoutes[ridx];
1852 	auto route = intf.routes[ridx];
1853 	auto settings = intf.settings;
1855 	InetHeaderMap headers;
1856 	InetHeaderMap reqhdrs;
1857 	InetHeaderMap opthdrs;
1859 	string url_prefix;
1861 	auto query = appender!string();
1862 	auto jsonBody = Json.emptyObject;
1863 	string body_;
1865 	void addQueryParam(size_t i)(string name)
1866 	{
1867 		if (query.data.length) query.put('&');
1868 		query.filterURLEncode(name);
1869 		query.put("=");
1870 		static if (is(PT == Json))
1871 			query.filterURLEncode(ARGS[i].toString());
1872 		else
1873 		// Note: CTFE triggers compiler bug here (think we are returning Json, not string).
1874 				query.filterURLEncode(toRestString!SerPolicyType(ARGS[i]));
1875 	}
1877 	foreach (i, PT; PTT) {
1878 		enum sparam = sroute.parameters[i];
1879 		auto fieldname = route.parameters[i].fieldName;
1880 		static if (sparam.kind == ParameterKind.query) {
1881 			addQueryParam!i(fieldname);
1882 		} else static if (sparam.kind == ParameterKind.wholeBody) {
1883 			jsonBody = serializeWithPolicy!(JsonSerializer, SerPolicyType)(ARGS[i]);
1884 		} else static if (sparam.kind == ParameterKind.body_) {
1885 			jsonBody[fieldname] = serializeWithPolicy!(JsonSerializer, SerPolicyType)(ARGS[i]);
1886 		} else static if (sparam.kind == ParameterKind.header) {
1887 			// Don't send 'out' parameter, as they should be default init anyway and it might confuse some server
1888 			static if (sparam.isIn) {
1889 				static if (isInstanceOf!(Nullable, PT)) {
1890 					if (!ARGS[i].isNull)
1891 						headers[fieldname] = to!string(ARGS[i]);
1892 				} else headers[fieldname] = to!string(ARGS[i]);
1893 			}
1894 			static if (sparam.isOut) {
1895 				// Optional parameter
1896 				static if (isInstanceOf!(Nullable, PT)) {
1897 					opthdrs[fieldname] = null;
1898 				} else {
1899 					reqhdrs[fieldname] = null;
1900 				}
1901 			}
1902 		}
1903 	}
1905 	static if (sroute.method == HTTPMethod.GET) {
1906 		assert(jsonBody == Json.emptyObject, "GET request trying to send body parameters.");
1907 	} else {
1908 		debug body_ = jsonBody.toPrettyString();
1909 		else body_ = jsonBody.toString();
1910 	}
1912 	string url;
1913 	foreach (i, p; route.fullPathParts) {
1914 		if (p.isParameter) {
1915 			switch (p.text) {
1916 				foreach (j, PT; PTT) {
1917 					static if (sroute.parameters[j].name[0] == '_' || sroute.parameters[j].name == "id") {
1918 						case sroute.parameters[j].name:
1919 							url ~= urlEncode(toRestString(ARGS[j]));
1920 							goto sbrk;
1921 					}
1922 				}
1923 				default: url ~= ":" ~ p.text; break;
1924 			}
1925 			sbrk:;
1926 		} else url ~= p.text;
1927 	}
1929 	scope (exit) {
1930 		foreach (i, PT; PTT) {
1931 			enum sparam = sroute.parameters[i];
1932 			auto fieldname = route.parameters[i].fieldName;
1933 			static if (sparam.kind == ParameterKind.header) {
1934 				static if (sparam.isOut) {
1935 					static if (isInstanceOf!(Nullable, PT)) {
1936 						ARGS[i] = to!(TemplateArgsOf!PT)(
1937 							opthdrs.get(fieldname, null));
1938 					} else {
1939 						if (auto ptr = fieldname in reqhdrs)
1940 							ARGS[i] = to!PT(*ptr);
1941 					}
1942 				}
1943 			}
1944 		}
1945 	}
1947 	static if (!is(RT == void)) {{
1948 		alias result_serializers = ResultSerializersT!Func;
1949 		static if (is(result_serializers == AliasSeq!(DefaultSerializerT)))
1950 			headers["Accept"] = settings.content_type;
1951 		else
1952 			headers["Accept"] = result_serializers[0].contentType;
1953 	}} else {
1954 		headers["Accept"] = settings.content_type;
1955 	}
1957 	// Do not require a `Content-Type` header if no response is expected
1958 	// https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe.d/issues/2521
1959 	static if (!is(RT == void))
1960 		// Don't override it if set from the parameter
1961 		if ("Content-Type" !in opthdrs)
1962 			opthdrs["Content-Type"] = null;
1964 	auto ret = request(URL(intf.baseURL), request_filter, request_body_filter,
1965 		sroute.method, url, headers, query.data, body_, reqhdrs, opthdrs,
1966 		intf.settings.httpClientSettings);
1968 	static if (is(RT == InputStream)) {
1969 		return ret.bodyReader.asInterface!InputStream;
1970 	} else static if (isInputStream!RT) {
1971 		return RT(ret.bodyReader);
1972 	} else static if (!is(RT == void)) {
1973 		scope(exit) ret.dropBody();
1975 		string content_type;
1976 		if (const hdr = "Content-Type" in opthdrs)
1977 			content_type = *hdr;
1978 		if (!content_type.length)
1979 			content_type = "application/octet-stream";
1981 		alias result_serializers = ResultSerializersT!Func;
1982 		immutable serializer_ind = get_matching_content_type!(result_serializers)(content_type);
1983 		foreach (i, serializer; result_serializers)
1984 			if (serializer_ind == i) {
1985 				// TODO: The JSON deserialiation code requires a forward range,
1986 				//       but streamInputRange is currently just a bare input
1987 				//       range, so for now we need to read everything into a
1988 				//       buffer instead.
1989 				//import vibe.stream.wrapper : streamInputRange;
1990 				//auto rng = streamInputRange(ret.bodyReader);
1991 				auto rng = ret.bodyReader.readAll();
1992 				return serializer.deserialize!(SerPolicyT!I.PolicyTemplate, RT)(rng);
1993 			}
1995 		throw new Exception("Unrecognized content type: " ~ content_type);
1996 	} else ret.dropBody();
1997 }
1999 /**
2000  * Perform a request to the interface using the given parameters.
2001  *
2002  * Params:
2003  * verb = Kind of request (See $(D HTTPMethod) enum).
2004  * name = Location to request. For a request on https://github.com/rejectedsoftware/vibe.d/issues?q=author%3ASantaClaus,
2005  *		it will be '/rejectedsoftware/vibe.d/issues'.
2006  * hdrs = The headers to send. Some field might be overriden (such as Content-Length). However, Content-Type will NOT be overriden.
2007  * query = The $(B encoded) query string. For a request on https://github.com/rejectedsoftware/vibe.d/issues?q=author%3ASantaClaus,
2008  *		it will be 'author%3ASantaClaus'.
2009  * body_ = The body to send, as a string. If a Content-Type is present in $(D hdrs), it will be used, otherwise it will default to
2010  *		the generic type "application/json".
2011  * reqReturnHdrs = A map of required return headers.
2012  *				   To avoid returning unused headers, nothing is written
2013  *				   to this structure unless there's an (usually empty)
2014  *				   entry (= the key exists) with the same key.
2015  *				   If any key present in `reqReturnHdrs` is not present
2016  *				   in the response, an Exception is thrown.
2017  * optReturnHdrs = A map of optional return headers.
2018  *				   This behaves almost as exactly as reqReturnHdrs,
2019  *				   except that non-existent key in the response will
2020  *				   not cause it to throw, but rather to set this entry
2021  *				   to 'null'.
2022  *
2023  * Returns:
2024  *     The Json object returned by the request
2025  */
2026 private HTTPClientResponse request(URL base_url,
2027 	scope void delegate(HTTPClientRequest) @safe request_filter,
2028 	scope void delegate(HTTPClientRequest, scope InputStream) @safe request_body_filter,
2029 	HTTPMethod verb, string path, const scope ref InetHeaderMap hdrs, string query,
2030 	string body_, ref InetHeaderMap reqReturnHdrs,
2031 	ref InetHeaderMap optReturnHdrs, in HTTPClientSettings http_settings)
2032 @safe {
2033 	import std.uni : sicmp;
2034 	import vibe.http.client : requestHTTP;
2035 	import vibe.http.common : HTTPStatus, httpMethodString, httpStatusText;
2036 	import vibe.stream.memory : createMemoryStream;
2037 	import vibe.stream.operations;
2039 	URL url = base_url;
2040 	url.pathString = path;
2042 	if (query.length) url.queryString = query;
2044     scope reqdg = (scope HTTPClientRequest req) {
2045 		req.method = verb;
2046 		foreach (k, v; hdrs.byKeyValue)
2047 			req.headers[k] = v;
2049 		if (request_body_filter) {
2050 			scope str = createMemoryStream(() @trusted { return cast(ubyte[])body_; } (), false);
2051 			request_body_filter(req, str);
2052 		}
2054 		if (request_filter) request_filter(req);
2056 		if (body_ != "")
2057 			req.writeBody(cast(const(ubyte)[])body_, hdrs.get("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"));
2058 	};
2060 	HTTPClientResponse client_res;
2061 	if (http_settings) client_res = requestHTTP(url, reqdg, http_settings);
2062 	else client_res = requestHTTP(url, reqdg);
2064 	logDebug(
2065 			"REST call: %s %s -> %d, %s",
2066 			httpMethodString(verb),
2067 			url.toString(),
2068 			client_res.statusCode,
2069 			client_res.statusPhrase
2070 			);
2072 	// Get required headers - Don't throw yet
2073 	string[] missingKeys;
2074 	foreach (k, ref v; reqReturnHdrs.byKeyValue)
2075 		if (auto ptr = k in client_res.headers)
2076 			v = (*ptr).idup;
2077 		else
2078 			missingKeys ~= k;
2080 	// Get optional headers
2081 	foreach (k, ref v; optReturnHdrs.byKeyValue)
2082 		if (auto ptr = k in client_res.headers)
2083 			v = (*ptr).idup;
2084 		else
2085 			v = null;
2086 	if (missingKeys.length)
2087 		throw new Exception(
2088 			"REST interface mismatch: Missing required header field(s): "
2089 			~ missingKeys.to!string);
2091 	if (!isSuccessCode(cast(HTTPStatus)client_res.statusCode))
2092 	{
2093 		Json msg = Json(["statusMessage": Json(client_res.statusPhrase)]);
2094 		if (client_res.contentType.length)
2095 			if (client_res.contentType.splitter(";").front.strip.sicmp("application/json") == 0)
2096 				msg = client_res.readJson();
2097 		client_res.dropBody();
2098 		throw new RestException(client_res.statusCode, msg);
2099 	}
2101 	return client_res;
2102 }
2104 private {
2105 	import vibe.data.json;
2106 	import std.conv : to;
2108 	string toRestString(alias SerPolicyType = DefaultPolicy, T)(T value)
2109 	@safe {
2110 		import std.array : Appender, appender;
2111 		import std.uuid : UUID;
2112 		static if (isInstanceOf!(Nullable, T)) return T(fromRestString!(typeof(T.init.get()))(value));
2113 		else static if (is(T == bool)) return value ? "true" : "false";
2114 		else static if (is(T : int)) return to!string(value);
2115 		else static if (is(T : double)) return to!string(value); // FIXME: formattedWrite(dst, "%.16g", json.get!double);
2116 		else static if (is(string : T)) return value;
2117 		else static if (__traits(compiles, value.toISOExtString)) return value.toISOExtString;
2118 		else static if (__traits(compiles, value.toString)) return value.toString;
2119 		else static if (is(T == UUID)) return value.toString();
2120 		else {
2121 			auto ret = appender!string;
2122 			serializeWithPolicy!(JsonStringSerializer!(Appender!string), SerPolicyType, T)(value, ret);
2123 			return ret.data;
2124 		}
2125 	}
2127 	T fromRestString(T, alias SerPolicyType = DefaultPolicy)(string value)
2128 	{
2129 		import std.conv : ConvException;
2130 		import std.uuid : UUID, UUIDParsingException;
2131 		import vibe.http.status : HTTPStatus;
2132 		try {
2133 			static if (isInstanceOf!(Nullable, T)) return T(fromRestString!(typeof(T.init.get()))(value));
2134 			else static if (is(T == bool)) return value == "1" || value.to!T;
2135 			else static if (is(T : int)) return to!T(value);
2136 			else static if (is(T : double)) return to!T(value); // FIXME: formattedWrite(dst, "%.16g", json.get!double);
2137 			else static if (is(string : T)) return value;
2138 			else static if (__traits(compiles, T.fromISOExtString("hello"))) return T.fromISOExtString(value);
2139 			else static if (__traits(compiles, T.fromString("hello"))) return T.fromString(value);
2140 			else static if (is(T == UUID)) return UUID(value);
2141 			else return deserializeWithPolicy!(JsonStringSerializer!string, SerPolicyType, T)(value);
2142 		} catch (ConvException e) {
2143 			throw new HTTPStatusException(HTTPStatus.badRequest, e.msg);
2144 		} catch (JSONException e) {
2145 			throw new HTTPStatusException(HTTPStatus.badRequest, e.msg);
2146 		} catch (UUIDParsingException e) {
2147 			throw new HTTPStatusException(HTTPStatus.badRequest, e.msg);
2148 		}
2149 	}
2151 	// Converting from invalid JSON string to aggregate should throw bad request
2152 	unittest {
2153 		void assertHTTPStatus(E)(lazy E expression, HTTPStatus expectedStatus,
2154 			string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)
2155 		{
2156 			import core.exception : AssertError;
2157 			import std.format : format;
2159 			try
2160 				expression();
2161 			catch (HTTPStatusException e)
2162 			{
2163 				if (e.status != expectedStatus)
2164 					throw new AssertError(format("assertHTTPStatus failed: " ~
2165 						"status expected %d but was %d", expectedStatus, e.status),
2166 						file, line);
2168 				return;
2169 			}
2171 			throw new AssertError("assertHTTPStatus failed: No " ~
2172 				"'HTTPStatusException' exception was thrown", file, line);
2173 		}
2175 		struct Foo { int bar; }
2176 		assertHTTPStatus(fromRestString!(Foo)("foo"), HTTPStatus.badRequest);
2178 		enum Bar { foo, bar }
2179 		assert(fromRestString!(Bar)("bar") == Bar.bar);
2180 		assertHTTPStatus(fromRestString!(Bar)("foobarbaz"), HTTPStatus.badRequest);
2181 	}
2182 }
2184 private string generateModuleImports(I)()
2185 {
2186 	if (!__ctfe)
2187 		assert (false);
2189 	import vibe.internal.meta.codegen : getRequiredImports;
2190 	import std.algorithm : map;
2191 	import std.array : join;
2193 	auto modules = getRequiredImports!I();
2194 	return join(map!(a => "static import " ~ a ~ ";")(modules), "\n");
2195 }
2197 /***************************************************************************
2199 	The client sends the list of allowed content types in the 'Allow' http header
2200 	and the response will contain a 'Content-Type' header. This function will
2201 	try to find the best matching @SerializationResult UDA based on the allowed
2202 	content types.
2204 	Note:
2206 	Comment 1: if the request doesn't specify any allowed content types, then * / *
2207 	is assumed
2209 	Comment 2: if there are no UDA's matching the client's allowed content types, -1
2210 	is returned
2212 	Comment 3: if there are more than 1 matching UDA, for ONE specific client's allowed
2213 	content type(and their priority is the same - see below),
2214 	then the one specified earlier in the code gets chosen
2216 	Comment 4: accept-params(quality factor) and accept-extensions are ignored
2217 	https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html
2219 	Comment 5: matching the most specific content type without any wildcard has priority
2221 	Comment 6: the request's content type can be in the format of
2223 	$(UL
2224 		$(LI major type / minor type)
2225 		$(LI major type / *)
2226 		$(LI * / *)
2227 	)
2229 	Params:
2230 		T = compile time known ResultSerializer classes
2231 		req_content_types_str = list of allowed content types for example:
2232 		text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1
2234 	Returns:
2235 		index of the result serializers in the T... AliasSeq if matching found,
2236 		-1 otherwise
2238 ***************************************************************************/
2240 package int get_matching_content_type (T...)(string req_content_types_str) pure @safe
2241 {
2242 	if (!req_content_types_str.strip().length)
2243 		req_content_types_str = "*/*";
2244 	struct ContentType
2245 	{
2246 		this (string major_type, string minor_type)
2247 		{
2248 			this.major_type = major_type;
2249 			this.minor_type = minor_type;
2250 			this.full_type = major_type ~ "/" ~ minor_type;
2251 			this.star_num = this.full_type.count('*'); // serves as priority
2252 		}
2253 		string major_type;
2254 		string minor_type;
2255 		string full_type;
2256 		ulong star_num;
2257 	}
2259 	// processing ResultSerializers
2260 	alias packed_UDAs = AliasSeq!(T);
2261 	ContentType[] UDA_content_types;
2262 	foreach (UDA; packed_UDAs)
2263 	{
2264 		auto ctype = UDA.contentType.splitter(';').front;
2265 		auto content_type_split = ctype.toLower().split("/");
2266 		assert(content_type_split.length == 2);
2267 		UDA_content_types ~= ContentType(content_type_split[0].strip(), content_type_split[1].strip());
2268 	}
2270 	// processing request content typess
2271 	ContentType[] req_content_types;
2272 	foreach (content_type; req_content_types_str.toLower().split(","))
2273 	{
2274 		immutable semicolon_pos = content_type.indexOf(';');
2275 		if (semicolon_pos != -1)
2276 			content_type = content_type[0 .. semicolon_pos]; // quality factor ignored
2277 		auto content_type_split = content_type.split("/");
2278 		if (content_type_split.length == 2)
2279 			req_content_types ~= ContentType(content_type_split[0].strip(), content_type_split[1].strip());
2280 	}
2281 	// sorting content types by matching preference
2282 	req_content_types.sort!(( x, y) => (x.star_num < y.star_num));
2284 	int res = -1;
2285 	ulong min_star_num = ulong.max;
2286 	foreach (UDA_ind, UDA_content_type; UDA_content_types)
2287 		foreach (const ref content_type; req_content_types)
2288 			if (
2289 					(
2290 						(
2291 							UDA_content_type.major_type == content_type.major_type &&
2292 							UDA_content_type.minor_type == content_type.minor_type
2293 						) ||
2294 						(
2295 							UDA_content_type.major_type == content_type.major_type &&
2296 							content_type.minor_type == "*"
2297 						) ||
2298 						(
2299 							content_type.major_type == "*" && content_type.minor_type == "*"
2300 						)
2301 					) &&
2302 					(
2303 						content_type.star_num < min_star_num
2304 					)
2305 				)
2306 				{
2307 					res = cast(int) UDA_ind;
2308 					min_star_num = content_type.star_num;
2309 				}
2310 	return res;
2311 }
2313 version(unittest)
2314 {
2315 	import std.range.interfaces : OutputRange;
2316 	import vibe.internal.interfaceproxy : InterfaceProxy;
2318 	void s (OutputRange!char, int){};
2319 	int d (InterfaceProxy!(InputStream)){return 1;}
2321 	int test1();
2323 	@resultSerializer!(s,d,"text/plain")
2324 	@resultSerializer!(s,d," aPPliCatIon  /  jsOn  ")
2325 	int test2();
2326 }
2328 unittest
2329 {
2330 	alias res = ResultSerializersT!(test1);
2331 	assert(res.length == 1);
2332 	assert(res[0].contentType == "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
2334 	assert(get_matching_content_type!(res)("application/json") == 0);
2335 	assert(get_matching_content_type!(res)("application/*") == 0);
2336 	assert(get_matching_content_type!(res)("  appliCAtIon /  *") == 0);
2337 	assert(get_matching_content_type!(res)("*/*") == 0);
2338 	assert(get_matching_content_type!(res)("") == 0);
2339 	assert(get_matching_content_type!(res)("application/blabla") == -1);
2341 	alias res2 = ResultSerializersT!(test2);
2342 	assert(res2.length == 2);
2343 	assert(res2[0].contentType == "text/plain");
2344 	assert(res2[1].contentType == " aPPliCatIon  /  jsOn  ");
2346 	assert(get_matching_content_type!(res2)("text/plain, application/json") == 0);
2347 	assert(get_matching_content_type!(res2)("text/*, application/json") == 1);
2348 	assert(get_matching_content_type!(res2)("*/*, application/json") == 1);
2349 	assert(get_matching_content_type!(res2)("*/*") == 0);
2350 	assert(get_matching_content_type!(res2)("") == 0);
2351 	assert(get_matching_content_type!(res2)("blabla/blabla, blublu/blublu") == -1);
2352 }
2354 version(unittest)
2355 {
2356 	private struct Aggregate { }
2357 	private interface Interface
2358 	{
2359 		Aggregate[] foo();
2360 	}
2361 }
2363 unittest
2364 {
2365 	enum imports = generateModuleImports!Interface;
2366 	static assert (imports == "static import vibe.web.rest;");
2367 }
2369 // Check that the interface is valid. Every checks on the correctness of the
2370 // interface should be put in checkRestInterface, which allows to have consistent
2371 // errors in the server and client.
2372 package string getInterfaceValidationError(I, bool support_webparam_attributes = true)()
2373 out (result) { assert((result is null) == !result.length); }
2374 do {
2375 	import vibe.web.internal.rest.common : ParameterKind, WebParamUDATuple;
2376 	import std.algorithm : strip;
2378 	// The hack parameter is to kill "Statement is not reachable" warnings.
2379 	string validateMethod(alias Func)(bool hack = true) {
2380 		import vibe.internal.meta.uda;
2381 		import std.string : format;
2383 		static assert(is(FunctionTypeOf!Func), "Internal error");
2385 		if (!__ctfe)
2386 			assert(false, "Internal error");
2388 		enum FuncId = (fullyQualifiedName!I~ "." ~ __traits(identifier, Func));
2389 		alias PT = ParameterTypeTuple!Func;
2390 		static if (!__traits(compiles, ParameterIdentifierTuple!Func)) {
2391 			if (hack) return "%s: A parameter has no name.".format(FuncId);
2392 			alias PN = AliasSeq!("-DummyInvalid-");
2393 		} else
2394 			alias PN = ParameterIdentifierTuple!Func;
2395 		alias WPAT = UDATuple!(WebParamAttribute, Func);
2397 		// Check if there is no orphan UDATuple (e.g. typo while writing the name of the parameter).
2398 		foreach (i, uda; WPAT) {
2399 			// Note: static foreach gets unrolled, generating multiple nested sub-scope.
2400 			// The spec / DMD doesn't like when you have the same symbol in those,
2401 			// leading to wrong codegen / wrong template being reused.
2402 			// That's why those templates need different names.
2403 			// See DMD bug #9748.
2404 			mixin(GenOrphan!(i).Decl);
2405 			// template CmpOrphan(string name) { enum CmpOrphan = (uda.identifier == name); }
2406 			static if (!anySatisfy!(mixin(GenOrphan!(i).Name), PN)) {
2407 				if (hack) return "%s: No parameter '%s' (referenced by attribute @%sParam)"
2408 					.format(FuncId, uda.identifier, uda.origin);
2409 			}
2410 		}
2412 		foreach (i, P; PT) {
2413 			static if (!PN[i].length)
2414 				if (hack) return "%s: Parameter %d has no name."
2415 					.format(FuncId, i);
2416 			// Check for multiple origins
2417 			static if (WPAT.length) {
2418 				// It's okay to reuse GenCmp, as the order of params won't change.
2419 				// It should/might not be reinstantiated by the compiler.
2420 				mixin(GenCmp!("Loop", i, PN[i]).Decl);
2421 				alias WPA = Filter!(mixin(GenCmp!("Loop", i, PN[i]).Name), WPAT);
2422 				static if (WPA.length > 1)
2423 					if (hack) return "%s: Parameter '%s' has multiple @*Param attributes on it."
2424 						.format(FuncId, PN[i]);
2425 			}
2426 		}
2428 		// Check for misplaced out and non-const ref
2429 		static if (support_webparam_attributes) {
2430 			alias PSC = ParameterStorageClass;
2431 			foreach (i, SC; ParameterStorageClassTuple!Func) {
2432 				static if (SC & PSC.out_ || (SC & PSC.ref_ && !is(ConstOf!(PT[i]) == PT[i])) ) {
2433 					mixin(GenCmp!("Loop", i, PN[i]).Decl);
2434 					alias Attr = AliasSeq!(
2435 						WebParamUDATuple!(Func, i),
2436 						Filter!(mixin(GenCmp!("Loop", i, PN[i]).Name), WPAT),
2437 					);
2438 					static if (Attr.length != 1) {
2439 						if (hack) return "%s: Parameter '%s' cannot be %s"
2440 							.format(FuncId, PN[i], SC & PSC.out_ ? "out" : "ref");
2441 					} else static if (Attr[0].origin != ParameterKind.header) {
2442 						if (hack) return "%s: %s parameter '%s' cannot be %s"
2443 							.format(FuncId, Attr[0].origin, PN[i],
2444 								SC & PSC.out_ ? "out" : "ref");
2445 					}
2446 				}
2447 			}
2448 		}
2450 		// Check for @path(":name")
2451 		enum pathAttr = findFirstUDA!(PathAttribute, Func);
2452 		static if (pathAttr.found) {
2453 			static if (!pathAttr.value.length) {
2454 				if (hack)
2455 					return "%s: Path is null or empty".format(FuncId);
2456 			} else {
2457 				import std.algorithm : canFind, splitter;
2458 				// splitter doesn't work with alias this ?
2459 				auto str = pathAttr.value.data;
2460 				if (str.canFind("//")) return "%s: Path '%s' contains empty entries.".format(FuncId, pathAttr.value);
2461 				str = str.strip('/');
2462 				if (!str.length) return null;
2463 				foreach (elem; str.splitter('/')) {
2464 					assert(elem.length, "Empty path entry not caught yet!?");
2466 					if (elem[0] == ':') {
2467 						// typeof(PN) is void when length is 0.
2468 						static if (!PN.length) {
2469 							if (hack)
2470 								return "%s: Path contains '%s', but no parameter '_%s' defined."
2471 									.format(FuncId, elem, elem[1..$]);
2472 						} else {
2473 							if (![PN].canFind("_"~elem[1..$]))
2474 								if (hack) return "%s: Path contains '%s', but no parameter '_%s' defined."
2475 									.format(FuncId, elem, elem[1..$]);
2476 							elem = elem[1..$];
2477 						}
2478 					}
2479 				}
2480 				// TODO: Check for validity of the subpath.
2481 			}
2482 		}
2483 		return null;
2484 	}
2486 	if (!__ctfe)
2487 		assert(false, "Internal error");
2488 	bool hack = true;
2489 	foreach (method; __traits(allMembers, I)) {
2490 		// WORKAROUND #1045 / @@BUG14375@@
2491 		static if (method.length != 0)
2492 			foreach (overload; MemberFunctionsTuple!(I, method)) {
2493 				static if (validateMethod!(overload)())
2494 					if (hack) return validateMethod!(overload)();
2495 			}
2496 	}
2497 	return null;
2498 }
2500 // Test detection of user typos (e.g., if the attribute is on a parameter that doesn't exist).
2501 unittest {
2502 	enum msg = "No parameter 'ath' (referenced by attribute @headerParam)";
2504 	interface ITypo {
2505 		@headerParam("ath", "Authorization") // mistyped parameter name
2506 		string getResponse(string auth);
2507 	}
2508 	enum err = getInterfaceValidationError!ITypo;
2509 	static assert(err !is null && stripTestIdent(err) == msg,
2510 		"Expected validation error for getResponse, got: "~stripTestIdent(err));
2511 }
2513 // Multiple origin for a parameter
2514 unittest {
2515 	enum msg = "Parameter 'arg1' has multiple @*Param attributes on it.";
2517 	interface IMultipleOrigin {
2518 		@headerParam("arg1", "Authorization") @bodyParam("arg1", "Authorization")
2519 		string getResponse(string arg1, int arg2);
2520 	}
2521 	enum err = getInterfaceValidationError!IMultipleOrigin;
2522 	static assert(err !is null && stripTestIdent(err) == msg, err);
2523 }
2525 // Missing parameter name
2526 unittest {
2527 	enum msg = "Parameter 0 has no name.";
2529 	interface IMissingName1 {
2530 		string getResponse(string = "troublemaker");
2531 	}
2532 	interface IMissingName2 {
2533 		string getResponse(string);
2534 	}
2535 	enum err1 = getInterfaceValidationError!IMissingName1;
2536 	static assert(err1 !is null && stripTestIdent(err1) == msg, err1);
2537 	enum err2 = getInterfaceValidationError!IMissingName2;
2538 	static assert(err2 !is null && stripTestIdent(err2) == msg, err2);
2539 }
2541 // Issue 949
2542 unittest {
2543 	enum msg = "Path contains ':owner', but no parameter '_owner' defined.";
2545 	@path("/repos/")
2546 	interface IGithubPR {
2547 		@path(":owner/:repo/pulls")
2548 		string getPullRequests(string owner, string repo);
2549 	}
2550 	enum err = getInterfaceValidationError!IGithubPR;
2551 	static assert(err !is null && stripTestIdent(err) == msg, err);
2552 }
2554 // Issue 1017
2555 unittest {
2556 	interface TestSuccess { @path("/") void test(); }
2557 	interface TestSuccess2 { @path("/test/") void test(); }
2558 	interface TestFail { @path("//") void test(); }
2559 	interface TestFail2 { @path("/test//it/") void test(); }
2560 	static assert(getInterfaceValidationError!TestSuccess is null);
2561 	static assert(getInterfaceValidationError!TestSuccess2 is null);
2562 	static assert(stripTestIdent(getInterfaceValidationError!TestFail)
2563 		== "Path '//' contains empty entries.");
2564 	static assert(stripTestIdent(getInterfaceValidationError!TestFail2)
2565 		== "Path '/test//it/' contains empty entries.");
2566 }
2568 unittest {
2569 	interface NullPath  { @path(null) void test(); }
2570 	interface ExplicitlyEmptyPath { @path("") void test(); }
2571 	static assert(stripTestIdent(getInterfaceValidationError!NullPath)
2572 				  == "Path is null or empty");
2573 	static assert(stripTestIdent(getInterfaceValidationError!ExplicitlyEmptyPath)
2574 				  == "Path is null or empty");
2576 	// Note: Implicitly empty path are valid:
2577 	// interface ImplicitlyEmptyPath { void get(); }
2578 }
2580 // Accept @headerParam ref / out parameters
2581 unittest {
2582 	interface HeaderRef {
2583 		@headerParam("auth", "auth")
2584 		string getData(ref string auth);
2585 		string getData2(@viaHeader("auth") ref string auth);
2586 	}
2587 	static assert(getInterfaceValidationError!HeaderRef is null,
2588 		      stripTestIdent(getInterfaceValidationError!HeaderRef));
2590 	interface HeaderOut {
2591 		@headerParam("auth", "auth")
2592 		void getData(out string auth);
2593 		void getData(@viaHeader("auth") out string auth);
2594 	}
2595 	static assert(getInterfaceValidationError!HeaderOut is null,
2596 		      stripTestIdent(getInterfaceValidationError!HeaderOut));
2597 }
2599 // Reject unattributed / @queryParam or @bodyParam ref / out parameters
2600 unittest {
2601 	interface QueryRef {
2602 		@queryParam("auth", "auth")
2603 		string getData(ref string auth);
2604 	}
2605 	static assert(stripTestIdent(getInterfaceValidationError!QueryRef)
2606 		== "query parameter 'auth' cannot be ref");
2608 	interface QueryRefConst {
2609 		@queryParam("auth", "auth")
2610 		string getData(const ref string auth);
2611 	}
2612 	enum err1 = getInterfaceValidationError!QueryRefConst;
2613 	static assert(err1 is null, err1);
2615 	interface QueryOut {
2616 		@queryParam("auth", "auth")
2617 		void getData(out string auth);
2618 	}
2619 	static assert(stripTestIdent(getInterfaceValidationError!QueryOut)
2620 		== "query parameter 'auth' cannot be out");
2622 	interface BodyRef {
2623 		@bodyParam("auth", "auth")
2624 		string getData(ref string auth);
2625 	}
2626 	static assert(stripTestIdent(getInterfaceValidationError!BodyRef)
2627 		== "body_ parameter 'auth' cannot be ref",x);
2629 	interface BodyRefConst {
2630 		@bodyParam("auth", "auth")
2631 		string getData(const ref string auth);
2632 	}
2633 	enum err2 = getInterfaceValidationError!BodyRefConst;
2634 	static assert(err2 is null, err2);
2636 	interface BodyOut {
2637 		@bodyParam("auth", "auth")
2638 		void getData(out string auth);
2639 	}
2640 	static assert(stripTestIdent(getInterfaceValidationError!BodyOut)
2641 		== "body_ parameter 'auth' cannot be out");
2643 	// There's also the possibility of someone using an out unnamed
2644 	// parameter (don't ask me why), but this is catched as unnamed
2645 	// parameter, so we don't need to check it here.
2646 }
2648 private string stripTestIdent(string msg)
2649 @safe {
2650 	import std.string;
2651 	auto idx = msg.indexOf(": ");
2652 	return idx >= 0 ? msg[idx+2 .. $] : msg;
2653 }
2655 // Small helper for client code generation
2656 private string paramCTMap(string[string] params)
2657 @safe {
2658 	import std.array : appender, join;
2659 	if (!__ctfe)
2660 		assert (false, "This helper is only supposed to be called for codegen in RestClientInterface.");
2661 	auto app = appender!(string[]);
2662 	foreach (key, val; params) {
2663 		app ~= "\""~key~"\"";
2664 		app ~= val;
2665 	}
2666 	return app.data.join(", ");
2667 }
2669 package string stripTUnderscore(string name, RestInterfaceSettings settings)
2670 @safe {
2671 	if ((settings is null || settings.stripTrailingUnderscore)
2672 	    && name.endsWith("_"))
2673 		return name[0 .. $-1];
2674 	else return name;
2675 }
2677 // Workarounds @@DMD:9748@@, and maybe more
2678 package template GenCmp(string name, int id, string cmpTo) {
2679 	import std.string : format;
2680 	import std.conv : to;
2681 	enum Decl = q{
2682 		template %1$s(alias uda) {
2683 			enum %1$s = (uda.identifier == "%2$s");
2684 		}
2685 	}.format(Name, cmpTo);
2686 	enum Name = name~to!string(id);
2687 }
2689 // Ditto
2690 private template GenOrphan(int id) {
2691 	import std.string : format;
2692 	import std.conv : to;
2693 	enum Decl = q{
2694 		template %1$s(string name) {
2695 			enum %1$s = (uda.identifier == name);
2696 		}
2697 	}.format(Name);
2698 	enum Name = "OrphanCheck"~to!string(id);
2699 }
2701 // Workaround for issue #1045 / DMD bug 14375
2702 // Also, an example of policy-based design using this module.
2703 @safe unittest {
2704 	import std.traits, std.typetuple;
2705 	import vibe.internal.meta.codegen;
2706 	import vibe.internal.meta.typetuple;
2707 	import vibe.web.internal.rest.common : ParameterKind;
2709 	interface Policies {
2710 		@headerParam("auth", "Authorization")
2711 		string BasicAuth(string auth, ulong expiry) @safe;
2712 	}
2714 	@path("/keys/")
2715 	interface IKeys(alias AuthenticationPolicy = Policies.BasicAuth) {
2716 		static assert(is(FunctionTypeOf!AuthenticationPolicy == function),
2717 			      "Policies needs to be functions");
2718 		@path("/") @method(HTTPMethod.POST) @safe
2719 		mixin CloneFunctionDecl!(AuthenticationPolicy, true, "create");
2720 	}
2722 	class KeysImpl : IKeys!() {
2723 	override:
2724 		string create(string auth, ulong expiry) @safe {
2725 			return "4242-4242";
2726 		}
2727 	}
2729 	// Some sanity checks
2730         // Note: order is most likely implementation dependent.
2731 	// Good thing we only have one frontend...
2732 	alias WPA = WebParamAttribute;
2733 	static assert(Compare!(
2734 			      Group!(__traits(getAttributes, IKeys!().create)),
2735 			      Group!(PathAttribute("/"),
2736 				     MethodAttribute(HTTPMethod.POST),
2737 				     WPA(ParameterKind.header, "auth", "Authorization"))));
2739 	void register() @safe {
2740 		auto router = new URLRouter();
2741 		router.registerRestInterface(new KeysImpl());
2742 	}
2744 	void query() @safe {
2745 		auto client = new RestInterfaceClient!(IKeys!())("");
2746 		assert(client.create("Hello", 0) == "4242-4242");
2747 	}
2748 }
2750 @safe unittest { // @noRoute support in RestInterfaceClient
2751 	interface I {
2752 		void foo();
2753 		@noRoute int bar(void* someparam);
2754 	}
2755 	auto cli = new RestInterfaceClient!I("");
2756 }