
A delegate used to specify the extensions for each chunk written to the underlying stream.

The delegate has to be of type string delegate(in const(ubyte)[] data) and gets handed the data of each chunk before it is written to the underlying stream. If it's return value is non-empty, it will be added to the chunk's header line.

The returned chunk extension string should be of the format key1=value1;key2=value2;[...];keyN=valueN and **not contain any carriage return or newline characters**.

Also note that the delegate should accept the passed data through a scoped argument. Thus, **no references to the provided data should be stored in the delegate**. If the data has to be stored for later use, it needs to be copied first.

  1. ChunkExtensionCallback chunkExtensionCallback [@property getter]
  2. ChunkExtensionCallback chunkExtensionCallback [@property setter]
    class ChunkedOutputStream
    @safe @property
