
Calculates aggregate values for the data in a collection.

  1. Bson aggregate(ARGS pipeline)
  2. MongoCursor!R aggregate(S[] pipeline, AggregateOptions options)
    struct MongoCollection
    R = Bson
    S = Bson
    AggregateOptions options


pipeline S[]

A sequence of data aggregation processes. These can either be given as separate parameters, or as a single array parameter.

Return Value

Type: MongoCursor!R

Returns the list of documents aggregated by the pipeline. The return value is either a single Bson array value or a MongoCursor (input range) of the requested document type.


Exception if a DB communication error occurred.


Example taken from the MongoDB documentation

import vibe.db.mongo.mongo;

void test() {
	auto db = connectMongoDB("").getDatabase("test");
	auto results = db["coll"].aggregate(
		["$match": ["status": "A"]],
		["$group": ["_id": Bson("$cust_id"),
			"total": Bson(["$sum": Bson("$amount")])]],
		["$sort": ["total": -1]]);

The same example, but using an array of arguments with custom options

import vibe.db.mongo.mongo;

void test() {
	auto db = connectMongoDB("").getDatabase("test");

	Bson[] args;
	args ~= serializeToBson(["$match": ["status": "A"]]);
	args ~= serializeToBson(["$group": ["_id": Bson("$cust_id"),
			"total": Bson(["$sum": Bson("$amount")])]]);
	args ~= serializeToBson(["$sort": ["total": -1]]);

	AggregateOptions options;
	options.cursor.batchSize = 10; // pre-fetch the first 10 results
	auto results = db["coll"].aggregate(args, options);

See Also
